One O'Clock Jump.

Does anyone know the theme of One O'Clock Jump?

Bill, The Kid from Red Bank or The Count, seemed to close first and second half of his concerts/gigs with it. He would usually play a few choruses before going into the ride outs at the close of the first half and have plenty of soloists cut loose in the version at the gig end.

All the ride outs seem to be head arrangements where one muso has started a backing riff that was taken up by their section, the first ride out is obviously sax based. The trombone glisses are again typical as are the trumpet stabs. The arranger obviously took over and scored it but as Basie's intros varied between many heavy bass chords to a single note, what is the theme of this twelve bar?

Apologies for being serious.
One O'clock Jump is included in a playalong book and CD that I have called Jazztastic - Initial Level". There is a nice riffy theme that is written out.

If you search on Google for images of "One O'clock Jump sheet music" you will find several examples. For instance this one: which can even play audio (first couple of choruses only).

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The sheet linked above is the "theme", or more accurately the riff. The rest of the tune was originally head arrangements by section. By the way, the tune was also originally titled 'Blue Ball', but was changed because some folks thought it was too risqué.
Indeed, orginally a series of riffs as a head arrangement. As it comes from from quite early on in the Basie band's history I suspect Buck Clayton or Eddie Durham (or both) were the first to score it, possibly when the band moved out of KC to NY via Chicago. Several of the non-reading musicians were replaced by reading ones as the band found it wasn't able to get away with just head arrangements, for example at the Grand Terrace in Chicago.

It's listed in my Eb Real Book, but it's only the first 8 bar riff, not the trombone slide section that leads into the final riff. It's credited to Count Basie and O L Gaines (who?).
Thanks guys but as the rhythm section or Bill always led the band into the Jump, is the chord sequence or one of the Count's famous single note solos, the theme?

YC, in my Bb edition it repeats the four bar theme three times. In the second rendering the second note changes from G to F sharp and the last note of the phrase a beat and that IS the first ride out chorus.

Guess we'll never know but it is obvious that theory was one of the things NOT required by the Kid..
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The sheet linked above is the "theme", or more accurately the riff. The rest of the tune was originally head arrangements by section. By the way, the tune was also originally titled 'Blue Ball', but was changed because some folks thought it was too risqué.
There is an interesting "take" on this tune's origins and naming at the following website which, incidentally, appears to be quite a useful resource -


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