If ever there were changes made on saxophones, the Holton Company made them. What would normally seem to be changes for the better. made this saxophone in the past seem like a farce. The high Eb trill key put out by the Holton Company with the advent of their Rudy Weidoft Model was a museum piece. Their attempt of clarification of the middle D by the insertion of the C auxiliary tone hole was. without question, the worst key arrangement that could possibly be conceived by the minds of men. Their G# trill lever was, without any doubt, one of the biggest mistakes ever made by any saxophone company. The insertion of an extremely long rod to hold the Eb trill lever and the high E key was undoubtedly a horrible mistake in saxophone planning. However, the more recent Holton instrument, although it cannot be considered among the finest in the professional field, has made such fine improvements that it ranges as one of the top instruments for the amateur student lines.