Noise reduction

I might be having a bigger issue with my love for playing the sax. I live in a 5 story high apartment, and there's this this old lady, who apparently can't appreciate someone's need for learning music. So, since I am living a very busy life, I don't get enough time to play the sax, that is, I do, but it's mostly after 7 or 8 PM. And imagine the nerves of some people. Last time, I started playing around 7 pm, and my f* neighbor started whacking into the heat radiator. Of course, it alarms the whole piping system so the whole building hears it. I mean, at 7 PM, it's not even that dark at that time. And the default law here is "no public or private disturbance after 10PM". But, she being an alone bitc*h she actually called the cops. At first they didn't hear anything, but...I opened up my window in hoping it will reduce the noise since my room is pretty small. The cops heard it outside and told me that I should stop or they will file a report. I mean, I know the sax is loud, but it can't be that loud. Her argument was, "I can't hear my soap operas!".

All of the other neighbors had nothing against my playing or noise. Fact, most of them complain about her complaining. So...I am asking if there are any "things" that can reduce the out coming noise of the tenor sax. From this moments I really wish I lived in a house. Anyways, if there's anything, recommendable, or an advice (except killing her). Since her last threat, my practicing really went down. I just don't have enough time to play it in the afternoons.
I feel your pain. I built a practise booth so I could play while my little girl goes to bed at early evening. It works but that's a whole other story! 😀

Try playing inside a wardrobe with a lot of clothing hanging or play into an external corner of a room (not an internal wall) and hang a carpet of something to help absorb the sound.
Ultimately you''ll only dampen/muffle the sound by around 10-15% with those methods however.

Are there music practise rooms for rent near you? Most bigger towns/cities have some facilities like that for bands.
You can get a gig bag that you can play the sax inside. I used to have one for alto, cut the dB by about 10. There's also a much bigger fibreglass/plastic version, but it'll cost you as much as a sax. The rings you drop down the bell don't really work, except on the low notes. Learning to play quietly may help, but it's difficult when you're just starting.
From the mobile, cant really see your location but is playing in the park an option? Found out its the best place to practice and doubt anyone would complain
I've got a Vibes Sax Partner for my tenor, and it cuts down the volume a lot - to roughly the same level as an acoustic guitar played at a moderate loudness. Quiet enough to play at night.

The downside is that the Sax Partner (or e-Sax, the original muting case) is as heavy as the tenor itself, doubling the strain, and it costs a lot. I bought mine off an auction on eBay, so I got it for slightly less than they sell the e-Sax on Thomann, all shipping costs, taxes and duties included, but not for much less. It also makes low C, B and Bb impossible, as the pressure inside the case gets too high and the air starts flowing back through the mouthpiece. But for me it was a choice between getting another sax I could hardly play at all, or getting the mute.

I also go play outside in the woods every now and then, even though it's really cold here in Finland. I used to go play outside a lot more often when it was warmer.

Have you contacted the landlord or city council about acceptable noise levels during the day? I mean, you must be allowed to tenderize a steak with a hammer for instance. The neighbors will hear that too, and you can't call the cops because of that. Make a big pile of steaks, hammer them really thin and nice, and if she complains or calls the police, call the landlord that you were just cooking steaks and she's complaining for no reason at all.

I feel your pain, as I live in an old apartment building too, and the soundproofing could be better. (Could be worse too of course.) I haven't had any complaints yet, and the landlord told me that practicing during the daytime is OK, but as we have 3 children (two old them under 3 years of age), both me and my wife have a day job, both have courses to attend at the university, and my wife is writing her master's thesis, so it's very difficult to find the time during the day.

I can't believe you can't buy some sort of sound cancelation device in this day and age, some electronic device that flattens out those waves. I guess you can but you have to hand over your first born or summut.
Have you considered putting a bit of noise canceling material on the ceiling? Just a sheet of foam insulation? Might be enough to keep her content if you close up any air vents that be shared with the upper apartment. It won't totally solve the problem, but it will show you making effort to be considerate. Might help you the next time she makes a fuss and calls the cops.
Have you considered putting a bit of noise canceling material on the ceiling? Just a sheet of foam insulation? Might be enough to keep her content if you close up any air vents that be shared with the upper apartment. It won't totally solve the problem, but it will show you making effort to be considerate. Might help you the next time she makes a fuss and calls the cops.

We live on the top floor (5th), she is underneath us, there are no air vents (except in bathrooms) and the noise insulation...don't know. I am not handling with much money and I have no idea how much would that cost. And it really seems like a lot of effort just to buy 2 hours for practicing an instrument. But of course, that's how our country works. Poor and lame. I am already planing, after I finish college, get some papers, and get as far away from this as possible. I don't care where, just where normal people live with normal mentality. Hate my country so much. We barely pay our regular bills and I have to work and go to college at the same time and still feel depressed. The sax was supposed to help me get over that but now I can't even learn how to play it because of the retarded people here. Having a dream here is like wanting a car without wheels. No sense.

I am sorry everyone, don't want to hang out stress via online. It's just...stupid...ya know...

Anyways, I found this on ebay, assuming the quality with the price, I guess I won't get much results, but it's worth a try I guess. Has anyone ever tried these mutes before? Just so I can know how much to hope:shrug:
The sound comes out of the tone holes for most notes so sticking something in the end will have minimal effect. To prove this block up the bell with a T towel or something and the horn will play almost the same till you get to the bell notes.

Struggling for money and noise problems at home sounds like a perfect time to go busking. ;}

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