Night Train solo

Nice one! It sounds as though you've got things firmly under your belt!
Have a listen to the Georgie Fame version, from 'Live at the Flamingo'

John 🙂🙂;}
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(Thought I'd posted this before, but it seems to have vanished into the ether. Not that I've been sniffing ether, you undertstand)

Thanks, everyone, for the kind words. Yes, it's interesting to compare with the earlier recordings. (Note to self: make more (ie some!) recordings when practising. Also get round to posting in BoTM).
Great stuff Martin sounds like a big improvement all round and the band are sounding a lot more together I put my Bari against a tuner the other day and it was way off throughout the range and moving the mpc didn't seem to sort it shame I really like playing it ......John
Would love a listen but this is another soundcloud file that won't play on my PC at work for some reason. Some do, some never will, regardless of whether I'm signed in or not. Its a mystery. Will try to remember to have a listen at home.
Would love a listen but this is another soundcloud file that won't play on my PC at work for some reason. Some do, some never will, regardless of whether I'm signed in or not. Its a mystery. Will try to remember to have a listen at home.
Thanks for trying! Soundcloud does seem to be a bit temperamantal. Nine times out of ten I have to reload a page before the clip will play, but it almost always works second time. Weird.
Thanks for trying! Soundcloud does seem to be a bit temperamantal. Nine times out of ten I have to reload a page before the clip will play, but it almost always works second time. Weird.

I did try reloading but have just tried again several times. No joy. Always seems to be on the PC at work - never a problem so far on laptop at home. Only happens on certain accounts/profiles as far as I can see too.

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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