Knowing Allansto, he will end up with heaps of Metalites..................most of which will have too big a tip opening.......:shocked:

The secret is to develop your own concept of what sound you most like in a saxophone, and start with reeds first - bright or dark sounding or inbetween. I mainly play filed reeds as I like their texture of sound more than unfiled. Ligatures are usually material, which is slightly dampening of sound (which may be desirable) or metal, which is often brighter. I rarely use material ligatures (only really my trusted Rovner EVO-5's on Alto and Tenor HR)
Mouthpiece wise most are very playable, usually differing slightly from each other (with several exceptions). There are ones more suited to classical playing, others more suited to jazz, and then ones better for rock, funk, popular music and similar. A bit of background reading and research works wonders, and helps clarify what you are looking for. Knowing your right size of tip opening is helpful.
My first two alto mouthpieces were a Selmer Super Session (mellow and for jazz) and a Jody Jazz Classic (very lively and good with rock, funk etc.). It was about 3 years before I bought another one over the internet, leaning more towards the jazz sound, wanting something less mellow - Vandoren V16 A7m.
Good luck, whatever you do, but get a Metalite anyway. Tou can order one via in Victoria!