Accessories New Neck strap and or harness for marching Bari

So im approaching another year of marching sax and the possibility of marching Bari has come up. Im aware that there are harness which most marching bands use and came here wondering, what harness or even neck strap would be good to use in this situation. Any suggestions would be greatly appretiated. Thanks guys
Ok thanks. I know my current neck strap is an XL, but on the cheap side, so its not the best. Ill be sure to look into that. Thanks again.
just went on their website....
there is a guy there with it playing a bass it the owner of this sax forum?

If his name is Pete Thomas and he wears a striped jumper, he his the man. He is also a member here, under the nickname of Pete Thomas.
If his name is Pete Thomas and he wears a striped jumper, he his the man. He is also a member here, under the nickname of Pete Thomas.

Come on Aldevis

Be more specific you mean the Pete Thomas carrying a bass sax or one of the others who doesn't?
My favorite is the "Redstrap" strap for tenor/bari. Developed by a Belgian teacher, and it gives more freedom than a regular harness.
Saxholder gets my vote!
Been using one for a month or so, never had such a comfortable strap
There's a video on YouTube of a guy reviewing the mark 2
Saxholder, he shows the rang of saxes you can use it with.
Only the one with a striped jumper.
i am sure its a striped long sleeved shirt?....and yes,he's the only one there with that striped clothing...also the only one on bass saxophone.....
anyways,i think i will try one..theres a guy in brisbane selling them for jazzlab....$75 posted...
anyways,i think i will try one..theres a guy in brisbane selling them for jazzlab....$75 posted...

That price sounds good.
Make sure you get the mark 2 with non slip belly pad, improved hook etc. Afik it isn't possible to tell from the box.

There was a thread a while ago where someone ended up with the original version cos the shop had old stock.
I did my first lot of marching with a bari (Anzac day here in Oz) a few weeks ago using a Neotech harness and I seemed to survive ok - at least I got used to it after a while. Mind you I hadn't marched for a few years, and always with tenor before, so I don't think the Neotech is a bad thing.
I have a FreeNeck 4.0 harness. I play both my Bari and my Tenor on it (not usually at the same time, unlike Taz).
If you are female, many of the other suggested harnesses are neither comfortable nor pretty.
The Free neck allows the same comfort of movement as any ordinary neck strap, with the added bonus that you could carry your Bari around all day. I regularly "wear" my Bari for 4 hours, standing, and I'd be happy to march with it.
That price sounds good.
Make sure you get the mark 2 with non slip belly pad, improved hook etc. Afik it isn't possible to tell from the box.

There was a thread a while ago where someone ended up with the original version cos the shop had old stock.
just asked and it is the mark2 i ordered one...
i did try someones a few weeks ago and it felt good...
I have seen students playing bari saxes and bass clarinets while marching in parades and half-time shows and ask the question why. The tubas/sousaphones and baritones carry the bass line just fine. Marching with these woodwinds with the long hinge tubes and rods is just asking for mechanical problems, they are heavy and unwieldy for the player, and they really can't be heard over the low brass. Other that that I don't see that it is much of a problem.

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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