Saxophones New arrival (interim GAS) - a little nervous!...


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Café Supporter


Strange isn't it that photos sent by the seller often look way worse than when you open the case...?

I had expected a scratchy tarnished Yamaha alto to arrive this afternoon but instead what emerged from the nicely kept brown Yamaha case was a rather tasty YAS-62 MkI Purple Logo. For some perhaps, the holy grail of alto horns.

A few very small areas of wear which had gone brown over the years, soon banished by 10 minutes going over with some Brasso wadding, and she looks like new! Pads all good. Mechanism all working briskly. Immaculate Pruple Logos proudly boasting what lies within.

But what does she play like? You know what... I'm telling myself I'm too busy to go play her right now, but plainly I'm not 'cos I'm typing this! The reality is I just don't want her to be better than my even more beautiful Buffet SDA!

Then again the 62 does have more modern keyword, with the bell rods running up the inside rather than the SDA's outdated external rods. Plus, if I do end up selling the SDA it would probably fetch the same as the 62 so no financial loss.

Yes, of course I'm going to play the new arrival. :rolleyes:

Need to check the Martin Tenor over later as I have a buyer coming tomorrow. That'll delay the inevitable a little more....

What am I like... scared of a Yamaha, yet I've dismissed so many of them in the past?

To be continued...

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OK... so played the 62 and SDA last night. I'll need some more time doing the same but my initial findings are that the SDA has easier to work left and right pinky keys, the 62 better placed palm keys. Otherwise keywork is fairly similar in action but the SDA's pearls have a little lip around the edge which just gives a little extra help with finger placement.

P9265237 - Version 2.jpg

The SDA's Eb/C right pinky keys are very slightly more angled than the 62's which suits my large hands perfectly, plus the Buffet's roller is slightly fatter and longer than the Yamaha's and so picked up more easily with the little finger. Indeed the last few bars of "Just the two of us", flicking from Eb to C are a doddle with the SDA but a trial on the Yamaha.



Continued next post....

OK... so played the 62 and SDA last night. I'll need some more time doing the same but my initial findings are that the SDA has easier to work left and right pinky keys....

Continued next post....
You're an old softy at heart so you don't want to hurt the SDA's feelings

Admit it to yourself. You're attracted to the newcomer. The alluring, filigree curve of the bell guard is making eyes at you and the Pruple logo is whispering, "Play me. Play me. You know you want to."

I think we'll see a newly single Buffet working the Yard Sale for custom before long
You'd think, as I said earlier, the left hand pinky keys would be lighter on the 62, and they may be, but they're not positioned as comfortably for me as the SDA's, and the Buffet's fatter roller is easier to use.


So, keywork-wise the SDA has the edge. It's relatively easy to add to its palm keys to improve their placement under my left hand if I struggle in future, or now I know how much better placed the Yamaha's are.

On reflection, it's always been the Yamaha right pinky keys that have dismissed the previous 275, 23, 21, Vitos, YTS-23 & 62 from being "keepers" for me. Maybe they suit smaller hands better? Or maybe I'm just used to the SDA and Grassi now?


On to the sound... The Yamaha is slightly louder, the sound they each make very similar. Both are flexible and I can't really hear much of a difference whilst playing. I played the same tunes on one then the other, then the next tune and so on but when I'd finished it was a 50/50 draw sound-wise.

So, I'll give it a few weeks of playing both, play them to my tutor, ask him to play them, then make a decision. Everything I've read tells me the Yamaha has to be the better horn, but as has been said so many times before it's what suits the individual both in sound and feel that makes someone choose a particular horn.

Ads, I think you'll find Buffet were one of the first sax manufacturers, starting 20 years after the sax was invented, and about 100 years before Yamaha? 😛

It's tempting to keep both but then I'm only 50% proficient on one? The SDA doesn't stand me at much it's true, but I'm trying (no, really!) to get down to one alto and one tenor. Ah, but I'll need a back-up horn I hear you say....
I hear mixed reviews. Some say some 62 models are as good if not better, but that may be because they don't want to spend the extra dosh on an 82 and are trying to convince themselves?

My battle is a fair one as both the 62 and SDA are the same value on re-sale, so there's no conflict financially. I do have a soft spot for the SDA it's true, and it's probably rarer which I like also. Most conscious about giving the 62 a fair trial as I'm so used now to the SDA's keywork.

I'm also a little better now than when I played the Yamahas before. Had to give my first "performance" this morning when a pro player arrived to buy the Martin and wanted to hear it being played. I managed an almost perfect rendition of "Just the two of us" and he bought the sax! Why can't I pay like that in front of my tutor!!??
Steve Howard wasn`t impressed with the 82Z whereas he loved the 62 and 875 - Daveysax however isn`t happy unless he has an 82Z in his hands, 62s, 875s, even the sheppard wasn`t the same to him .. he said "I`m home" when he got his 82 back .
It looks like it was the tenor report I had read - not suprising given the conversations with Davey about 82s and his love of the things and both of us being Tenor players 😉 .. I just read the Alto one and yup, far more positive about it
I`d never buy a black one personally and probably why it`s that price (which IMO is good as they`re £2900 new) . it doesn`t look as bad as the Black SA80-II (which looks like a G4M or a Jollysun or something) but It's still black laquer - down to taste I guess. if you love the finish then it`s a cheap 82Z if its totally mint . I think all Zs are best in Silver plate but then that`s me 😉
Not really bothered about the finish but this guy likes black horns! So if it plays well...............and I can find the dosh.................I'll get it
Prof, click on the video here:

She's SO good!

See what she's playing here: Endorsements

My only problem with a coloured finish is if it needs some solder work. Dooce on here took his black Yam to Connollys for a guard solder and was impressed that they didn't damage the lacquer. Yamaha lacquer has a reputation for withstanding most things!
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of course you could keep the 62, practise for 2 years, and then upgrade to a selmer - providing you like the selmer vibe of course!! There has been a few great deals on sa80 2 altos recently, and a ref 54 was on ebay for £1750.
A Selmer isn`t an "upgrade" from a Yamaha (least of all a 62 or above) it`s an Alternative , a horn with a different sound ..... many may see an 82Z as a substantial upgrade from an SA80-II (which is merely a TJ Revolution-II that`s made in France instead of Taiwan - LOL ) especially if they want that liveliness .......

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