Beginner Sax Need help in buying a sax


New Member
Ok so i have been attending various jazz groups and iv got to the point where i'm seriously looking into buying a tenor (i prefer the sound ever so slightly) but iv heard lots of conflicting information from research so far, i'm looking at the rather more 'budget' instruments as I only have around £400 give or take to spend.
I would also consider buying secondhand obviously if i'm sure that the instrument is still up to scratch.

I was just looking for some thoughts on good brands that are within my budget.

Any feedback would be appreciated 🙂
A john packer.
They usually have ex demo on their website. I use their tenor professionally.
HI by your name I guess you live in Maidstone, have you considered going along to Kaleidoscope which meet on Mon and Tuesdays in Rochester/Chatham.
We have a profusion of sax players from raw beginners up to really good ones. I have been going there since I first started playing!!! and it has helped me a great deal.
If you want any information, just pm me and I'll give you my phone No.
One of the best options under £500 is the Bauhaus Walstein Tenor featured below:

BAUHAUS TS-Y BRASS FINISH-EX DEMO-IMMACULATE. Super Quality, Hand engraved, High F#, metal thumb hook. Double arms on low notes, Italian pads, Yamaha mouthpiece & modern case with back-pack facility. BEST VALUE ON WORLD MARKET-BARGAIN-AVAILABLE ON RENTAL

This can be found at: It is the cheapest I have found online - my top recommendation at under £500!
One of the best options under £500 is the Bauhaus Walstein Tenor featured below:

BAUHAUS TS-Y BRASS FINISH-EX DEMO-IMMACULATE. Super Quality, Hand engraved, High F#, metal thumb hook. Double arms on low notes, Italian pads, Yamaha mouthpiece & modern case with back-pack facility. BEST VALUE ON WORLD MARKET-BARGAIN-AVAILABLE ON RENTAL

This can be found at: It is the cheapest I have found online - my top recommendation at under £500!

....but before you make the journey, check they really do have it. I bought a second hand TS-Y from them in October and when I did I noticed they had two identical listings, only one of which was real. They may have put it up twice in error and not removed it.

I can second the recommendation for a Bauhaus though, I'm absolutely delighted with mine. Although I'm no expert, I'm very impressed with the sound it makes even when I play it.

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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