My stolen saxophones...Please help


Hello folks,on 14thMarch my reheasal space was broken into in Livingston near Edinburgh.
I lost a Selmer mark6 tenor, had since new 1976 ser no 235886
Selmer mark6 soprano laquer almost gone 1967 in original snakeskin case serial no 88532
Conn 6m naked lady 1937 serial no not known laquer removed from body and bell only neck and keys with original laquer remaining.
Keep yer eyes peeled,any help greatly appreciated,
Stewart Wilson
Hi Stewart I've just shared this on Facebook, I hope and pray that you get them back. This sort of crime really ....... this is a family forum, but I think you get the point. Best of luck.
make sure you keep your eyes on all the free ads sites + cashconverters + ebay of course + local pawnbrokers + music stores... good luck. it's terrible. it's more than the monetary value (even if in your case, the monetary value is very high, too.)
I feel for you. I had a 1962 Selmer MKVI pinched out of the bands van one day about 18 years ago in Glasgow. They had not locked the van when they went for lunch. They payed up though. I also had a brand new purple 62 over 20 years ago pinched from my house. Will post also on FB. These idol scum bags want there hands chopped off !!!! well if it was me I would do a lot worse to them !!!! better watch what I say or i'll get wrong. Keep us updated.
Sometimes I see low price Selmers her in Sweden. When you can buy a sax for 10.000 - 15.000 s e k (c £ 1000.00 -1500.00) that use to go for 30.000-40.000, I think there can be something wrong. No serial number and they use "sax terms" that can't be translated.
Hey that is great! Wonderful news!

It just shows that you did the right thing putting the word around systematically and widely as you did.

It sounds as if the pawnbroker was a bit of a mug, though, to buy a parcel of saxes having already been tipped off that several were stolen in one theft. I guess he will lose his money... unless your insurance company rewards him.

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