My new soprano

You might need a softer reed than you think on sop. Especialy if it's jumping up the octave. Try scraping the back of the reed with a sharp flat blade like a stanley knife. I use my swiss army knife. I find if I don't play it for a few days it's like starting over for the first hour. Try playing with some backing to make sure your intonation is accurate. I felt I was getting beautiful sound out of mine but it turned out to be completely out of tune. It's a pleasure and a pain. A proper frustrating instrument. Enjoy.
Thanks Timbo and Colin.
I only have one reed at the moment and I'm using a Yamaha 5C mouthpiece. It' doesn't feel too hard at all, I'm not sure I'd like it any softer, but perhaps it should be. It's very early days and I didn't realise it would be so tricky.
Got me 🙁 Give tomapfumo a pm. He seems to have an encyclopedic knowledge of tip openings.

I tried a 4c and didn't get on with it at all. Sop 5c is 0.047" 4c 0.044"

If I remember correctly the alto esprit is 0.065" which is half way between a yam 5 and 4 so maybe the sop is the same
I found that there's more embouchure variation needed between the low and high notes, even compared to alto. I have to mentally switch into sop mode before playing, otherwise it's a disaster. So as you play lower, consciously loosen up and open up. And relax as you play higher, too easy to strain to get the notes out.
I'm glad you say that Kev as I'm starting to realise that too, and if I'm more aware of it, the lower notes are cleaner. Can't wait to experiment with your mouthpieces and reeds! Thank you.
No, not yet. The website says that they are being forwarded to the delivery depot. Hopefully tomorrow or tuesday. Theyve been in France since the 2nd! :confused2::confused::headscratch:
Sounds good Di, you've inspired me to pick my sop up off the stand. I haven't played it in ages, not since our quartet Baritone player had a heart attack (I don't think it was my playing that caused it). He's fit to play again so we are starting rehearsals again next month. I'd forgotten how hard it was to tame first time round and really shouldn't have neglected it, it's like starting again. Sounds like you're sorted with mouthpieces too, so happy blown' 🙂
Really nice tone, Di. If you can stick with sop only for a few weeks it will feel more natural to play. Tom is the man on mpcs, but I believe Ads plays a Bari Esprit on sop. There is a Yani metal 7 mpc in the Yard Sale and I am about to list my Yani 7 HR.

Is there a place near you you can try out some mpcs? If not, have some deals on at the moment. Some Selmers have over 50% off. Unfortunately they don't do a trial period but Dawkes, Howarths and South Wales Woodwind in the UK do. Thomann have one too.
Thanks Sue and Dee.
I've just been playing it again and it was a little more comfortable today. I'm wondering about getting the Bari Esprit mouthpiece as it's had some good reviews on here and it's cheap enough to buy to try!
Thanks Sue and Dee.
I've just been playing it again and it was a little more comfortable today. I'm wondering about getting the Bari Esprit mouthpiece as it's had some good reviews on here and it's cheap enough to buy to try!

I had the bari esprit for sop I loved the tome and played it with RJS 2 but I did find it quite hard to blow sometimes and gave it up in the end. But as you say not too expensive to give it a try.


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