Hi guys
Sorry for slow reply - I've been down Halesowen way today...
It's made by a German maker called Kreul based in Markneukirchen - the 5th generation of the family is still making instruments. It was probably made around 1890/1900.
It's not quite as pristine as you may think - the back is very good, with good 'flame'. An instrument tech friend of mine has looked at it and glued some minor seam gaps (very common on older instruments - just some hide glue and clamps). The bridge needed the stirngs re-positioning as the grooves were too deep. The action on the C stirng is a little low, so I think it's going to need a new bridge anyway and new strings. It has had a couple of fine tuners added to the tailpiece and I replaced the C string.
The upper sound from the A and D strings is quite 'sweet'. The sound from the G feels a little 'closed' at the moment. I think new bridge plus new strings, but need ot think carefully about that as something like a set of Larsen string will cost over £200 and there is no 'try before you buy' option anywhere on strings... The good news is that it does not seem to have a wolf.
Overall, I think it's going to be good. I'll try to record something shortly...
You can get electric cellos, and you can buy pick-ups that clip on to the bridge...