You can obviously play, and I guess this is the style, tone, and sort of music that appeals to you. As I generally find this not to my taste I'll just stick to other aspects. The range used is limited with the lower notes not having much power/support and dropping off. There are a few notes that sound slightly sharp, but only some (intonation). Most players in the genre go for a clear somewhat sweet tone, yours is somewhat "fuzzy", which I guess is OK, but is this what you want?
The tempo is fast and you play well at this clip, but the rather fuzzy tone makes sharp articulation less distinct and (to my ears) partially defeats having fast punchy rhythm.
There's no doubt that you're a player and probably don't need any of us to tell you so. Hopefully you'll take in these observations knowing that I don't play in your style, so don't really know what you're trying to accomplish and may just be observing you performing exactly the way you want to sound.
Wishing you all the best.