My cover of beegees.. In memory of Robin Gibb..


Here is cover of the beegees tune How deep is your love? on my soprano saxophone.. let me know what you guys think.. feel free to share it with anyone or if you want to subscribe to my channel (hopefully I would try to upload more stuff).. or if you have something cool to show me.. this is a sort of easy listening tune.. anyway.. rest in peace robin..
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Thanks a bunch... I like the contribution beegees made to music.. I'm not a hardcore fan but liked the songs I listened to..
I've never been a big fan of the soprano, but wow, you made a great job of that, real smooth! I think that the sop works so well with this piece probably due to the fact that we all remember the Bee Gees and their falsetto voices, so a higher pitch sax seems quite logical really. Well played, I really enjoyed it.
Thanks for the posting, really enjoyed it, nice playing, good control.
Great arrangement - Is that a backing track or a live band?
Good chops Mister Chipster.
gruss - spike
I've never been a big fan of the soprano, but wow, you made a great job of that, real smooth! I think that the sop works so well with this piece probably due to the fact that we all remember the Bee Gees and their falsetto voices, so a higher pitch sax seems quite logical really. Well played, I really enjoyed it.
Hehehe... Thanks... But I still thought it was a bit harsh on the ears.. must be the mic.. need some more tweaking using the EQ.. some real harsh overtones..
Oh.. I never thought about the piece that way... yeah seems logical... But I just chose the sax that actually fit the scale of the original song.. hehehe.. I am a lazy person!!!
Thanks for the posting, really enjoyed it, nice playing, good control.
Great arrangement - Is that a backing track or a live band?
Good chops Mister Chipster.
gruss - spike
Thanks a bunch spike... Oh... it's a backing track that I bought from some place.. so the backing track is not mine...
I am still working on my chops 🙂
So where you from??? Half way up a hill???

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