Mouthpieces Mouthpiece swap


Senior Member
Anyone ever done a mouthpiece swap? I'm doing a trade with a guy in the States who wanted a Brancher B31 for tenor - one of which I just happened to have lying around, not having used it much since I got a Berg. In return he has sent me a Brancher E29 and an SR Tech 115, one of which I hope I will like enough to keep and then send him the other one back. They arrived this morning - not tried them out yet but they are beautiful, immaculate gold-plated pieces. Nice that he has enough trust in me to send them over with no security that I will return one, or indeed any of them. He even came up with half of the customs fee of £69 which, naively, I had not realised would apply.
I've had uniformly good experiences when buying and selling a few mouthpieces via SOTW and here. That has included a couple of trade deals where I have been really happy and so has the other party.

A bit of trust that works out, even over international boundaries, makes you feel a bit better about the human race.

I do mouthpiece swaps. I've been doing this for a long time. Before internet a mouthpice swap could take a month! I have also done it with saxes and other accessories! So far no big problems. A good way to try "new" stuff without spending a lot of money!

Oh that sounds a good idea - maybe we good have a 'Swap Shop' addition to the Yard Sale - probably easier to just put SWAP in the title though.
I finally got to give these pieces a quick try last night and at first impressions they are both fabulous - free-blowing, rich, centred, spot-on intonation, so it's going to be a tough decision to decide which one to send back. Can't believe my luck - got shot of what was to me a disappointing Brancher and now have to choose between a couple of mega pieces that, so far, are just so much better than anything I currently use.
I've had uniformly good experiences when buying and selling a few mouthpieces via SOTW and here.

I haven't. Never any problems here, or on eBay for that matter. However, via SOTW I've bought two mouthpieces, paid for, which were never delivered (seller then disappeared from SOTW) and two saxes in a single deal, both advertised as playing well, both of which had knackered octave mechs. All of these were with SOTW members in the US. This is just my experience, others might have had different, and I am in no way trying to impact on the reputation of SOTW. I just read your comment and though I should add my own experiences.
Another good way to swap mpc, saxes and accesssoies is to arrange a workshop/meeting. We use to have a table with things that we want to sell/trade. Sometimes there is a saxtech as well. Good if anyone is going to buy a sax that need some work. He/she get an approximatly cost.


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