Mouthpieces Mouthpiece for Martin Handcraft Committee (Skyline/Mars Attacks)


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Finally replaced my Stephanhouser alto - dropped in to a shop in NYC and tried a few vintage horns, walked out with a 1937 Martin Committee - complete with Skyline (Mars Attacks) etching.

Old problem - new horn. As I've been playing bari exclusively for the last two years, was fortunate to be asked to to play alto in a small jazz ensemble at the college - mostly stuff from the "Fake Book". Went to the first rehearsal last night and felt like either my eyes would bug out of my head or a blood vessel would burst from the resistance. Previously, a Selmer "E" with a softer reed was kindly recommended by the forum for my other alto - and it worked fine - until I started playing alto again last night. Is it me? Is it the setup?

There is nowhere for my to try a new setup where I live - mail order is it. Has anyone else experienced this phenomena? My cheeks will puff to Dizzy if this keeps up. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
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The Handcraft Comm is a beautiful sax. What model Stephanhouser did you have 1000, 1500 or 2000? Did you try any other horns or did you want a Martin?
I love the mechanical action on the Stephanhouser but have had intonation issues in the upper register - I don't see a model number on it - But under the serial number I see "SAS1000VN" so I'm assuming it's a 1000?

I have an old Buescher that I love but it needs about $800 worth of new pads (it has the originals from the 1920s). I did try a Selmer Mark VII, and a Conn - but loved the tone of the Martin right off. It has all the original keys and was repadded and steam cleaned. It was a steal.

Is this the mouthpiece you use?
The 500 and 1000 were student models, the 1500 was intermediate/pro and the 2000 had a silver bell and neck I recently bought a Martin Master "Typewriter" from 1929 in prestine condition. Took the mouthpiece off my Imperial and it played very nicely once I got a little used to the amount of pearl keys.

Yes - that is the same mouthpiece. Will you say how much it cost? Any photos please?
I paid $680 for it and did choose to order a new case for it. The original was really musty smelling. I also have an old Martin Bari (which I love) but it was well loved, re-lacquered, and welded - but it still sounds great.


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Bargain!!!! What a purchase, well done! Paid £800 for the Master. I believe that was a bargain as well. Most of the guys in my local music store were enthusing! Even got the original mouthpiece with the sax! And the case is in excellent condition!

Enjoy your Martin!
Regarding the Dizzie Gillespie thing I do it when the reed gets to soft, otherwise ok, it is weird though isn't it? heres me doing Dizzie at a recent gig with a Fibracell 3.5 that decided it was a good idea to let go and delaminate!
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The Martin Comm I saxes are great. A # 127XXX-128XXX sax? Solid nickelsilver keys!

For me a medium-small chamber mouthpiece is best on Martins with a baffle. I blow Dukoffs on my Martins. But I think it easy to find mouthpieces to Martin saxes. Since you are in USA try to find a Broadhos (one of the member of the committee than design/developed the Martinn Committees saxes) mpc to your Comm I. These mouthpieces are very rare overseas.
My Master has the original mouthpiece from 1929 - looks "prestine" according to most pros I have spoken to and so gentle! I absolutely adore the Martin sound! But very soft and not bright. Ideal for playing at home and the resonance it gives...phew!
I paid $680 for it and did choose to order a new case for it. The original was really musty smelling. I also have an old Martin Bari (which I love) but it was well loved, re-lacquered, and welded - but it still sounds great.

Mars Attacks?... great description of the engraving

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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