Mouthpieces Morgan Fry Jazz + mp

Anyone blew the new model by Morgan Fry called the Jazz +.Says it has more power for louder settings and stuff like funk etc.I had the normal large chamber Fry piece and it sounded great but it lacked power.This 1 sounds rather tempting.
Oh dear.

I was just reading in my paper about possible gas shortages in the UK and now we have a surplus of GAS in the North and South.

I bought a used Morgan Fry Rhodium piece and it is very nice - beautiful to look at and fine to play. For the Jazz+ I think that I would go for a bigger tip opening, especially as this new model has a bit more baffle.

Oh dear.

I was just reading in my paper about possible gas shortages in the UK and now we have a surplus of GAS in the North and South.

I bought a used Morgan Fry Rhodium piece and it is very nice - beautiful to look at and fine to play. For the Jazz+ I think that I would go for a bigger tip opening, especially as this new model has a bit more baffle.


Rhys can you just explain the tip opening reasoning please for the benefit of ignorancia like me
Rhys can you just explain the tip opening reasoning please for the benefit of ignorancia like me

A mouthpiece with lots of baffle means that there is less air gap between the reed and the roof of the mouthpiece. This seems to have the effect of speeding up the air flow for a given blowing pressure and that makes the mouthpiece less resistant to play. Some people talk about the Bernouilli effect, but I don't know whether that is the scientific reason.

Anyway, a 7* mouthpiece with no or very little baffle would seem about as resistant as an 8* (or bigger) with a high baffle in it. You can test this out for yourself by adding temporary baffles made of BlueTack or Plasticine to a mouthpiece that you already have. As well as making the mouthpiece play brighter, it will also make it slightly less resistant and play a little sharper - the tuning position should be adjusted out on the cork to compensate for less air volume inside the moutpiece.

A mouthpiece with lots of baffle means that there is less air gap between the reed and the roof of the mouthpiece. This seems to have the effect of speeding up the air flow for a given blowing pressure and that makes the mouthpiece less resistant to play. Some people talk about the Bernouilli effect, but I don't know whether that is the scientific reason.

Anyway, a 7* mouthpiece with no or very little baffle would seem about as resistant as an 8* (or bigger) with a high baffle in it. You can test this out for yourself by adding temporary baffles made of BlueTack or Plasticine to a mouthpiece that you already have. As well as making the mouthpiece play brighter, it will also make it slightly less resistant and play a little sharper - the tuning position should be adjusted out on the cork to compensate for less air volume inside the moutpiece.


I thank you
I contacted Morgan Fry about his Jazz+ model and he tells me that he also has another new model coming out - called Studio. Here's what he says:

It is closer to a Guardala MB than to a Link. . . . It has that DG edge thing going on, but isn't a paint peeler. mic's well and you can back off and get a good sound on it. But it doesn't have that Link like breadth to the sound that the Jazz+ has, it's more a purely modern piece. Link but brighter -- Jazz+, Guardala but warmer (and better in tune)-- Studio.

I contacted Morgan Fry about his Jazz+ model and he tells me that he also has another new model coming out - called Studio. Here's what he says:

It is closer to a Guardala MB than to a Link. . . . It has that DG edge thing going on, but isn't a paint peeler. mic's well and you can back off and get a good sound on it. But it doesn't have that Link like breadth to the sound that the Jazz+ has, it's more a purely modern piece. Link but brighter -- Jazz+, Guardala but warmer (and better in tune)-- Studio.


Interesting.So are you getting them ??????
Can you imagine buying one and finding you didn't really like it after all,I wonder what the resale loss would be ....John

In a private sale I bought one of his tenor pieces used (but as new condition) for £280, so I guess that it dropped by about a quarter from the retail.

But like anything, the price depends on getting a buyer and a seller. There aren't that many Morgan Fry pieces around, whereas an Otto Link piece or a Berg Larsen will have a reasonably well-established used price and large numbers available.

I suppose I can count myself lucky that I don't like the feel of metal mpc in my mouth or I might be enticed down that road, to be truthful I think a lot of the big name brands are well over priced for there regular offerings and the amount they can charge for a bit of bent brass ie ligature is unbelievable,I suppose a lot of it might be down to comparatively low numbers sold needing high prices to make the whole exercise of producing them worthwhile ......John

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