Misc, Other Monster Tubulum

I've never seen one of those before but its a really interesting bit of kit with a pretty cool sound. It would be nice to see someone show off it's full potential.
I've never seen one of those before but its a really interesting bit of kit with a pretty cool sound. It would be nice to see someone show off it's full potential.

He made it himself. There are quite a few hints on his youtube channel on how he did it, and some sketchy instructions on his web page.
Very enginuitive. I've a plummer friend who is always looking for a way to get rich quick, I'll put it to him as a potential business venture, maybe he could start a craze :w00t:
Does it come with a gig bag?
Ha Ha, I think you must be taking about the gig van

I saw the Einstürzende Neubauten once: great band!
I bet that was really something. Obviously nowhere in the same league but we used to get a regular bunch of between 5 and 20 street performers/musicians here in Cardiff City Center, mostly on percussion using various unusual household objects. They were usually really good.

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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