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Mouthpieces Monster PPTs now available

Pete Thomas

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Sunny Southampton
After considerable research and broken jaws, we at PPT are proud to announce the new Monster range of Tenor Onyxite PPTS:

the 10* and 11

I currently only have one of each, but I must say they are something else. I've never played anything quite that open since my early days on a Berg 130/0 but these seem to be much more controllable. Still a whisper of a low Bb subtone, but some real screaming. The 10* is the brightest, while the 11 seems to have just a bit more solidity.

If anyone is at the Musikmesse next I'll have the se with me if you want to try them out. But beware the decibel ladies.

They can be LOUD
Ooh, now there's a thread title to tempt me....

How much of a baffle does the 10* have? Are they also £169?

By the way, Pete, I've really grown used to the Sop PPT 7 - took a little aclimatising to, but now I'm very happy with it. I mainly play it on my BW curvy, but have also given it an outing on my Buescher True Tone straight, and it absolutley rocks on the old thing. Really took me by surprise.
My music teacher complains that my 8* is too loud. Maybe I should get the 10* just to annoy him. Trouble is everyone heares when I blow already.... This would just make it worse. Guess I need to improve, pronto.
Ooh, now there's a thread title to tempt me....

How much of a baffle does the 10* have? Are they also £169?

The baffle is the same as the 9*, 8* and 7*, it's probably like a mediumish Berg baffle, but with a different bullet shape and a more refined and versatile sound (Note the marketing speech)

I prefer the 11, I find the 10* a bit to bright, but I may change my mind as I test them. I'm going to take them all to frankfurt next week to try out whatever horns take my fancy there.
Do you eat them or what...........................?

Merely paranoia. Ever since I dropped and broke my only sop mpc 5 mins before a gig. I carry spares now.

Well, these are a totally different thing to a Guardala, so if you are happy with the Guardala you probably wouldn't have liked the monster PPT.

Ah, but before the Guardala I played on a Runyon Quantum 16 for a number of years and liked it perfectly well. So I'm always open to different suggestions.
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