Ligatures Modding Beechler Lig?

Hey guys... Wondering if anyone has done this:

I was thinking of getting my Beechler bellite ligature and removing the center bump on each of the bands, as this would place only 4 points of contact on the reed.

Wondering if anyone has done this and if it would work.

it would be like:




* *

* *
*= bump touching reed
I have an original Winslow Lig for my Guardala King R&B (also original) and this has the removable "bumpers" so you can have up to 6 in any configuration to hold the reed in position. I have tried it with a line of 3, a group of 5 and one on each corner(4). I felt it did make a slight difference in the way it played (i used the same reed) however, there was no way of making sure that the same amount of pressure was being used when tightening the ligature screw - other than counting how many times ( equal amounts) in all 3 cases the tightening screw was turned.

you could try recording yourself on both configurations and post them here and do a poll and let the forum members vote on which sounds best

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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