Misty - tenor version to practice by

I have some recordings with old school sax honkers and they played it in the concert key of Ab. Tenor sax in Bb. The natural key for the tenor sax; the sonority of the tenor sax, keyed from Bb to high F old saxes Root Bb, 3rd
D, 5th F ........ many of the old shool honkers often played in concert Ab; Red Prysock, Jr Walker .... guys that decided the best key for them and the backing band just followed their leader. Is "Misty" a song in minor? Eb/Cm, Ab/Fm ...... ?
That’s great input. Thank you. I’ll try and work with the lyrical version. I find it hard to visualise a tenor line with the other track as he’s playing alto. Or how would i go about transcribing an alto track into tenor? Just try and play higher up on the range?
The Alto version has the music notation, so you can transpose the Eb to Bb.
I'll leave how, for you to research. 🧐
Transcribing, is listening to spoken words or music, and writing it down.
With Johnny, you want to listen to the lyric's tones, and find them on your horn, and then you have two options.
Just write the letter of the tone on paper, or just mark a dot on manuscript paper.
You can deal with the note/tone duration later.
Modern electronics allows for slowing down and repeating as necessary.
Repetitive lifting of a tone arm, is so old school. 🙄
Singing along with Johnny is also a good first step, except for one note. 😵‍💫

Getting the tones for .....
Look At Me
is a good place to start.
Or how would i go about transcribing an alto track into tenor? Just try and play higher up on the range?
When I learn by ear from sources like this (something I try to remember to do for the good of it, not pleasure!) I just try to play the notes in the same pitch if it mostly fits; otherwise a lower octave. It doesn't bother me - but I guess that's just practice.

I'm pretty sure there are similar examples on youtube in Tenor. Depending on your abilities it just might be easier to find a simplified/pedagogical version - which has fewer decorations than a performance /advanced version; which can be confusing.

Fwiw; there are apps / websites which'll allow you to just downloaded the soundtrack from YT as MP3. I find it helpful to put that in a playback app that allows looping over a subsection...

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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