Bobby G
I am currently using a metal mpc on my alto, but since the legendary 'extensive dental work' i.e. removal of loads of teeth and an upper plate being fitted, I have found that my embouchure starts tiring fairly quickly resulting in a strange kind of bubbly farting sound emanating from the left side of my mouth. I have no such trouble on tenor, I played for over two hours straight (and one hour totally stoned arf arf
) today and had no problems.
My question is this - would a larger mouthpiece i.e. ebonite make my embouchure tire less quickly on alto, or is it just unfortunate that you have to 'grip harder' compared to tenor? should I get hold of an ebonite piece or just persevere with the metal ones until my chops get stronger?

My question is this - would a larger mouthpiece i.e. ebonite make my embouchure tire less quickly on alto, or is it just unfortunate that you have to 'grip harder' compared to tenor? should I get hold of an ebonite piece or just persevere with the metal ones until my chops get stronger?