Me Busking playing "Love on the rocks"


Busking Oracle
Rugby UK
This was an experiment in trying to catch the faces of the public as I busked. It didn't really work but I quite like the raw sound that I came up with.

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That sounded good to me. I am just a bit puzzled as to why you seemed to make money only BEFORE you started playing... 🙂
Thanks for the comments folks, yes it was bloomin' cold that morning, it was only about 2 degrees according to the gauge in my car and that arcade was a bit like a wind tunnel! sushidushi it's just the way the video was edited, I just hit record and recorded about an hour of play so the money going in at the beginning of the tune was in fact for the last tune, if you see what I mean
Wade, do you really expect a sax man to busk without shades? To be honest I always wear them when I busk as I just like to keep an eye on who's around me.

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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