MB1 updated demo, recording my progress.

Here is an updated demo of my MB1 mouthpiece and new neck set up.
It has been nearly 3 weeks since i got these beauties and I can safely say I find this to be the best combo that works for me in all ways, the sound I like to achieve. I have played many hours on it in the 3 weeks, i mean MANY hours and I absolutely love it and just can not put the sax down even more than before and before was a lot!
I also (last week) built a recording booth in my home studio and padded it out with some accoustic foam to isolate the recordings i do to filter out extra noise, room noise etc etc and I also added a new mic to record on and I can hear a vast improvement in the overall recording quality, of course it will take a little time, trial and error to find that "sweet recording spot" but it is really coming together fast.
In general the demo is a double demo, for my sax set up and studio set up.

here is a link to the new demo, a little reberb added.
View: https://soundcloud.com/ian-t-thesaxman71/mb1-demo
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"Peace" is a happy sax player:sax:

Your making the setup sound very good Ian, sounds like you have total control..

thanks, at peace indeed, with a HUGE hint of gratuotous excitement and I feel like a kid at xmas when i pick up my sax...
I like to think i have full control but of course at times the sax is the boss and reminds me of that so i need need to always keep taming the beast 🙂

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