Mouthpieces Martin Indiana Mouthpiece?


I have an early model Martin Indiana tenor (heart shaped left thumbrest etc - based on the Martin Committee). I think most older saxes are a bit temperamental when it comes down to mouthpieces - any recommendations? And how many Indiana players are there out there?
If you have the original mouthpiece you may work something out from that. I have some Martin mouthpieces from the late 30's and the chamber is smaller compared to a modern one.

Otherwise I think Martin saxes are tolerant when it comes to mouthpieces. I've been playing Dukoffs X- D-S chamber, Berg Larsen 0-1- 2 chamber and M facing, Otto Link, Brilhartm Meyer ..... . Also Rico Grafonite, Metalite and La Voz works. They say Arnold Brilhart made the Martin mouthpieces in the 50's. I prefer a mouthpiece with meduim/small chamber and some kind of baffle on my Martins. I think it's also a matter what and how you play when it comes to choose a mouthpiece.

The neckpipe on a The Martin (comm III) is longer compared to a Martin HC (comm I). Otherwise I think the tube is the same except from the bell/flair which is bigger on The Martin. They also say Martin did same changes when it came to the tonholes placements on The Martin saxes to get it louder and more contemporary.

I have two Indiana from the late 50's. Nice saxes, but I don't play them.

I've not had many problems with older saxes being temperamental with mouthpieces, although my Conn 6m definitely prefers my Lawton BB and doesn't get on with older style large chamber, concave baffle mouthpieces at all.
I've tried all manner of mouthpieces on my Martin Indiana and Medallist altos and they all worked fine - Lawton, Berg Larsen, NY Woodwind, Otto Link Tone Edge, Zagar, Jody Jazz HR*, Runyon - 22, XL, Custom
The Jody Jazz HR* is the nicest for ballads and the Lawton is good for slaughter and mayhem..
Martins have a reputation for having slightly wayward intonation and I doubt any mouthpiece will be the magic cure for this - saxes like this were designed in the days when it was assumed the player was responsible for the intonation, not the instrument - but does any saxophone play perfectly in tune?
Indianas are never going to be as desirable as other more fancy Martins, but they're fine instruments if you like that plummy sound and the quirks of older horns and you'll never find a LH thumb rest as comfy as the "heart shaped" one on an Indiana..
people moan about the ergonomics of vintage horns, but they suit my small fingers better than the modern ones and at least I can reach bottom Bb without a major expedition

for more info on Martin saxes -
and Mr Howard's comments are always worth a read -

enjoy your instrument
I'm waiting for my new Martin Handcraft Troubador to come back from the workshop. I bought it unseen, it wasn't jouable (playable) but nothing too serious, reseat some pads, replace some corks. It's a bit crazy buying an 82 year old horn but it does feel as if it still holds a number of years playing. The original case indicates it hasn't travelled much. Great sound and sturdy keys. Fingers crossed.
I'm waiting for my new Martin Handcraft Troubador to come back from the workshop. I bought it unseen, it wasn't jouable (playable) but nothing too serious, reseat some pads, replace some corks. It's a bit crazy buying an 82 year old horn but it does feel as if it still holds a number of years playing. The original case indicates it hasn't travelled much. Great sound and sturdy keys. Fingers crossed.
Let us know how it is when you get it back🙂

Very, very happy with the new Martin Troubador,just back from a preliminary tweaking. It beats my Cleveland for responsiveness throughout the register and sings better up high. It is stripped of varnish and looks great. The keys are very solid and dont feel old.
This lovely horn took instantly to an ebonite PPT 9* I had just treated myself to. Initially I bought a 7* but wanted more meat and Pete suggested exchanging for the 9*. I learn more each day about the m/p but now icing on the cake, it's connected to a delicious Martin.
In other words Mack, try a PPT, it works for me, beating HR and Floridated metal Links and Metalites.
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