BOTM March BOTM - 'My Funny Valentine'

Ballad of the Month
@MLoosemore glad you got it together in time to be the last post. Well done. My thanks to everyone who has posted and helped keep the thread going. I am again indebted to Chris for dots and backings.
I hope you all enjoyed playing and posting as much as I did listening. Now for April.

@Mark Hancock I’d forgotten about this one until I got the notification. I enjoyed your playing. As you say sops are not easy, especially when as in my case it’s not my first choice of sax. Your tone is coming together nicely could maybe have had a little more vibrato. For me this particular backing didn’t work with the sop but that’s just my opinion. Thanks for the revival, Regards Al
Looks like it's okay to nekro some old threads in the BOTM forum, so joining in.

My method is to play 2 weeks one song and then concentrate to the next one, so here is my freeish rendition of My Funny Valentine:

Still struggling with my intonation quite a bit after playing bit over half a year, but I can hear some improvement happening.
New contributions are always welcome.
A very musical rendition. Well done!

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