Accessories lost thread sound reflectors

Pete C

I seem to remember a thread about sound reflectors which I can't find - there was one that clipped on to a music stand rather than on to the bell of the sax - can anyone direct me to it?


The ones we have are built to grip round the body tube of a microphone not hold onto the sax bell (we've not seen the bell mount ones around in ages)
Not sure what you want to know but I have one and its great. Its perspex it clips on the mic then you angle it for best effect. Works best with tenor, not quite so well on alto and less well on sop. It means you don't have to bother with foldback and you can always hear yourself whatever the lead guitar is doing - simples 🙂
There seems to be 3 types: the Ploeger one that attaches to the bell of the sax which works well as a reflector but every now and then falls off and breaks; the ones that fit onto a mic; and one on a flexible arm that attaches to a music stand. I was looking to try the third one of these as I've just broken yet another Ploeger. On the occasions I play through a mic, I can usually hear myself through the monitors anyway. I only use the reflector on tenor, don't need to on alto or soprano. Cheers, Pete

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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