Thank you all for your replies. I think I might be in that place we all get to eventually, the progress that I made early on has all but tapered off, speed and sight reading are my major issues, along with rhythm, articulation, intonation and tone! It’s the middle section of any story or film, there’s a lot of trudging around but the goal on the horizon forever seems to be in the far distance. It makes it sound like I know what my goal is!
Transcribe has saved me from madness, invariable everything I’m trying to play I can’t at its true speed, so that’s where Transcribe comes in allowing me to pull it back to about 70% and then I slowly try and get faster. But, and it’s a deeply frustrating But! I never seem to be able to to hit the 100% speed and play with accuracy, let alone any sense of musicality.
I dropped out of the Swing Band I was playing in when a new band leader came in, their approach was fun and light-hearted, yet with a drive and goal to reshape the band, all of which I think were good aspirations. But the singling out of musicians and light-hearted yet cutting remarks reminded me of school and being made to feel thick and stupid. Being presented with a new piece of music that I didn’t know, and to stght read at a speed that I couldn’t think at, let alone play at, was just too stressful a reminder of those less than wonderful days at school. Any sense of confidence I might have had evaporated within a few sessions and so I was inclined to move on.
Taz, you cannot be serious… be a rebel! Break out of my structured regime! The world would end! Actually I have become a musical slob, the couch-potato of the saxophone world, long tones, yeah right. Mate, I can’t even remember when I last changed my reed, that’s how bad it’s got!
Pyrografix, skydiving sounds fun! Alas I cannot afford another sax, although maybe it’s time to switch back to the tenor for a while. Best of luck with your new M2. - Now, anyone want a Lawton? I think a new Morgan Fry metal mouthpiece might be just the ticket!
Hi Rikki, your post makes loads of sense, although I’m not down, that’s the odd thing, it’s like I’ve lost the passion, I could take it or leave it, and if it wasn’t for the fun and sense of satisfaction that I used to feel then I’d just put it down as a fad and move on. It’s like the fire has burnt down and I need to get some more fuel and I’ll be off again.
Hi Kev, not to sure about the new group of people, I’m a little reticent about that sort of thing at the moment, and the issue isn’t with my teacher, although I’m fairly sure she’s picked up on my current situation. At least we’re not looking at doing grades anymore, that just took the fun right out of it for me.
Tom, Words of wisdom, I have in fact been playing my guitar again, I started again from scratch, and now that I can make a passable attempt at reading music I’ve brought that over to the guitar and it’s making more a lot more sense! I love the guitar, and will always want to play it, and I have a great affection for it as an instrument but a greater kinsmanship to the saxophone as a player, if that makes any sense at all.
Still pondering everyone's replies, so thank you again,
Best wishes,