Hi There!
I think that your question is a little too broad - as Milandro says you will just have different players personal choices, which may or may not be what you want. Some idea of what sort of Jazz, whether you want a bright or dark sound, a more focussed or more diffuse sound.
Where are you based? Different places have different stock available. For a more "traditional" sound a Link would have been the classic recommendation, but there are better mouthpieces around, and Link quality does have questionmarks about it. If owning a Selmer means that money is not too tight there are several designs based on the Link, if you could do an online search. In this category would be pieces by Phil Barone, Mouthpiece Cafe & PhilTone if you have access to the US market - Morgan Fry/Ed Pillinger in UK. More traditional pieces would include the Selmer SuperSession, Vandoren V16, and some mpc's by both Brancher (L Chamber HR) and LeBayle (Jazz HR).
But my advice would be to clarify what sort of sound you want, and any help can be more specific.
Kind regards