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Teacher Wanted Looking for a teacher..


The cheap end of Brighton
I have now reached the decision after a month that I need a teacher, but are they slack or what?

I selected a couple of local ones as listed on musicteachers.co.uk - they are listed by postcode there so I can have a look and see how far I would have to travel - I have no car and my work hours are a bit weird so can do a 0900-1000 slot but need to get back home before going to work at 11.

I have left a message with 2 teachers now but their answer messages give no hint of their occupation, and they have not attempted to phone me back. I phoned one yesterday and one this morning..

I tried Pete's saxophoneteachers.co.uk as well but it gives no clues as to the teachers' locations..

Can anyone recommend a good teacher in West Hove/Portslade area preferably? I can't really afford to have a teacher visit me at my home (I would need to employ a cleaning lady also).

Or indeed a good list of places/sites to try for more info would be good.
Hi there!

Have you tried the sax.co.uk list which includes about 6 teachers in Brighton, and also has several email addresses. The musicteachers.co.uk website encourages people to contact prospective teachers by phone in order to get a feel, from the off, as to whether they are likely to be suitable - good point. The teachers listed include JimCheek from sax.co.uk who should know the local scene very well and be able to make some suggestions, especially if you need someone from 9-10am, when most saxophonists are fast asleep.

Nachoman, on the website, who lives in your neck of the woods, may also be able to advise.

Good luck
Very good reply Tom

I would have suggested calling sax.co.uk as they have got to be the biggest supplier of student sax's in that area if not the UK

I would imagine that very few sax teachers make a full time salary from teaching sax and probably have day jobs so are restricted to teaching in the evenings or weekends.

Can you not be a little more flexible than one hour a day!?

I dunno

Thanks for reminding me about sax.co.uk, that's where I got my sax! :blush:

They also included a DVD with Jim Cheek, it'll be like talking to someone off the telly..

Mamos, I was assuming that teachers wouldn't be teaching at weekends or much beyond 8 in the evening, so glad to hear they do - I'm flexible alright.

And I'll try and PM Nachoman, thanks chaps! :welldone

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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