Saxophones Longevity of Academy Jericho J6 v. other perhaps refurb for beginner


New Member
I've read several posts with good reviews of the Jericho J6. What I am wondering as a beginner currently using a rental Jupiter 500, is (i) How is the Jericho J6 holding up after being played for some months/years? (ii) is it worth buying a second hand refurbished other make for not too much more money in terms of: a) quality b) tone c) re-sale value?
Jerichos haven`t been around long enough really to judge longevity ..

have a look at the models old horns you see being used to see how they`re holding up - probably THE budget horns for longevity are the Yamaha 21/23/25 series, many use these as professional full time instruments because they take a kicking and keep on ticking without having to spend Pro horn money ....

I had a YAS21 which had been Pro thrashed for 40 years (or certainly looked it) , it was a right Rat - played as sweet as a nut and sounded superb. old Yanagisawas the same but really old Yanis aren`t common or easy to find - the lovely thing about Yamah 23s and 25s is that they`re easy to find and they keep their price ..

one of the best buys if after something really cheap is the Amati Corton Tenor - a Czech made instrument which fetch almost nothing secondhand but are as tough as boots and keep on going , dunno how the Altos hold up though .
Agreed Prof, a solid Pro horn with a fantastic sound for low cash -

My "new" one will be up for grabs too soon , a bit more than David's though as it`s basically a brand new horn (and deep honey lacquer rather than vintage) , I`ve a minty YTS61 to pay for
LOL ...... I love my YTS-61 Prof but its a right shed (the long guard must have been straightened at least 10 times in its life and it`s partly held on with chewing gum) so I can`t pass up a near mint one, these things are around 40 years old now ..
My Coton/Amati/Lafleur Czec alto looks like hell, missing lacquer, verdigris, dings etc, but still plays as well as it ever did 30 odd years on. I've repadded it twice and gigged it, busked it, dropped it, taken it abroad. It's not for sale though. I couldn't part with it.
The Ex-Band early 80s Tenor Corton I had was picked to save the silver 62 I had from suffering freezing carolling last year, which it did with gusto, played a few other gigs and then survived a trip to Spain for a life of Mediterranean luxury with Mike Jeremyjuicewah who I believe has thrashed it, modded the octave key and thrashed it some more and its still going strong . it was still on the original pads when I had it and they looked like they`ll do a few years yet .
They used to come with a full repair kit, Pad set, screws and springs, as well as the pull through, sling, reeds etc when new. I bought a couple second hand borrowed the pads and sold them on. I played a lot outside, all seasons. It chews the pads. I also fell for the padsaver nonsense when they first came out and used to leave it in as recommended. It went mouldy.
Let's get back on track.

For the asking price of the Jericho, how long do you expect it to last? Get one that's been set up. - This is an extra they offer. Expect to get it serviced/checked over every year like any other sax. Even if you only get 5 years out of it it's a bargain. Compare this to the price of a rental.

What's more likely is that after a while you want to upgrade. As long as it's not in the first year the Jericho still works out cheaper.

I'm a big fan of older saxes, but you need to know what you're doing, or buy from someone reputable who knows. Otherwise you can buy something that needs more spending on it than it's worth. One option, if you fancy something older, is to take it to a technician for a once over/check before buying. Shouldn't cost much.
I've read several posts with good reviews of the Jericho J6. What I am wondering as a beginner currently using a rental Jupiter 500, is (i) How is the Jericho J6 holding up after being played for some months/years? (ii) is it worth buying a second hand refurbished other make for not too much more money in terms of: a) quality b) tone c) re-sale value?
I've read several posts with good reviews of the Jericho J6. What I am wondering as a beginner currently using a rental Jupiter 500, is (i) How is the Jericho J6 holding up after being played for some months/years? (ii) is it worth buying a second hand refurbished other make for not too much more money in terms of: a) quality b) tone c) re-sale value?
Hi I have just traded in a jericho j6 tenor and bought a brand new Hanson st8 ,I will print here what I said after trying the hanson st5 ,if it had been an st5 I had bought blind over the net and not a jericho j6 they would have never seen me at the factory as I wouldn't have needed or wanted another sax. The jericho sounds ok however I had to constantly repair small niggels not worth the price to post back to them , to sum up i had it a year and found myself doing at least 1 repair a month, save your cash and go to Hansons , or I think there is a nice guy on here selling a st5 for a good price

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