Live tenor solo


Formerly known as "nachoman"
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Kev just press download!! Jules do like the feel you got, also how to me the sax almost sounded vocal like at times during some of the more intense parts..Not everyones cup of tea but well played..
Kev just press download!! Jules do like the feel you got, also how to me the sax almost sounded vocal like at times during some of the more intense parts..Not everyones cup of tea but well played..

Thanks Chris, but I don't see a download button, until after I've signed in.

Remembered my password, so I took a listen.

Different. Not really my style, sadly. Bet TomM will love it, though.
You have a superb control over the sax Jules. And it sort of fits the bill of a melancholic, semi depressed song 🙂. I prefer the "big band area" versions like the one with Barbara Lee though.
Thanks for the DHS comparison- one of my heroes (met him on a couple of occasions, I think in both our cases it’s a bit of a case of ‘wouldn’t say boo to a goose English bloke giving self primal scream therapy by being absolutely filthy & belligerent via the sax’!). Its also been pointed out to me that there’s a lot Neil Young’s guitar in there too….
I’m not surprised this one isn’t to everyone’s tastes- this is me, playing as me- rather than my Blues/R&B persona. The more I think about it the more I reckon I’m actually coming from a rather different place, musically speaking, than the majority of players. The bottom line is that I’m far more interested in tone/ sound texture & dynamics than in- well- the notes (which I think accounts for my lack of interest in the BeBop aesthetic). I’d be interested in Saxby’s view on this –in that both of us are originally visual artists- which I suspect leads to a slightly different slant on things……
Jules, I'm not trying to be negative. I just wouldn't feel good commenting on something I don't appreciate. Your playing's great. :thumb: You're getting across what you want to get across. :thumb: But I'm stuck in a time warp. :w00t:
Thanks for the DHS comparison- one of my heroes ...............The bottom line is that I’m far more interested in tone/ sound texture & dynamics than in- well- the notes (which I think accounts for my lack of interest in the BeBop aesthetic).……

You're welcome - and one of mine too 😀

I'll bet you're a Jeff Coffin fan then!.... I think he's great :mrcool
I agree with the DHS comparison. The band I worked with did quite a number of gigs with the Graham Bond Organisation.
IMO,fantastic live but crap on recordings! Graham Bond was also a very accomplished alto player.

John 🙂;}
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I like it! Wonderful textures and feeling. If finding fault the only thing that doesn't fit and is somewhat irritating is the ultra fast vibrato that sneaks in occasionally.
thanks- you've got me intrigued about the vibrato, point taken. I've been wracking my brains as to where my- Ben Webster on speed-vibrato comes from. I suspect its the creeping influence of klezmer violin, I reckon there was a bit of a subconcious gypsy violin meets hendrix thing going on here (actually I remember that on that tour I had a playlist on my Ipod which had both the Klezmatics and Neil Young's Weld album + lots of James Carter, Webster and Jan Garbarek.... to me I can really hear how these all seemed to creep into how I was actually playing)
By the way.....I'd like to mention that the set up in use here was one of Pete's PPT's (slightly tweaked by morgan fry to give it extra screaming potential-which, as you might notice- I do a lot) it acquitted itself brilliantly for this kind of 'textural' playing.....

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