Lily Was Here

Many thanks all. Appreciate it. All lilyed up and am now doubly aware of just how bad my phrasing is. Which means my reading is just as bad. With a backing track at least I can work out how to cram it all in somehow.
Have a good weekend,
Well doesn't time fly? From a throwaway gesture to terrifying reality, Lily is due to be performed on Saturday. It should be a very friendly audience (at least until they have hear me play Lily) and I am well prepared.

Thanks to you guys for the backings, I could not have go this far without. I have slowed it from 108 to 100 and though I did introduce a couple of cheats in the very busy bars, I have now gone back to the proper dots. I still tend to rush the last few bars of the solo, leaving a nasty little pause before the guitar comes back in, but I can iron that out in the next few days I hope.

It has been a pleasure and a bl**dy nuisnacne learning this piece. There hasn't really been any time for anything else in the music line, but it feels great to have largely got on top of a proper difficult tune. Funny, the music in front of me seems indispensable, but yesterday I left the music stand at the practice venue, came home and realised I can play the whole thing without dots and without thinking too much. However, I know I will suffer a panic attack and screw up if I try that on Saturday, so I am taking the cowards way and putting the sheets up in front.

If it goes ok I will comment here, if not, well, I may be gone for a while.
I have every confidence in you, hope it goes well, relax and enjoy you now know you can do it

Hope it goes well. I hate to imagine you dressing like Candy...

Perleeeese! It is her wot dresses like I.

I have every confidence in you, hope it goes well, relax and enjoy you now know you can do it

Thank you Jeanette. I think as it comes in the middle of a set and I will probably already have dropped a few clangers, I will not be too intimidated. It would be good to do it well. Gettting from one end to the other is all very well, but I aim to do it in style.
Good to hear that your work with Lily is doin' fine! Just curious: In what concert key are playing the song? Are you on Eb or Bb sax?

I played Lily for some years ago (still do from time to time) and I think it's a great song. I'm not any good in reading music. So I play that song in my own way. I keep it very simple. But sometimes I must play as it's wriiten on the charts!

Lily is a perfect "Song Of the Month" song. A steady rock groove(beat), call and response and some space for playing solo as well.

I'm sure it's going well on Saturday. Good luck.
Yes, thanks for posting. Do you think she can get that "edgy & piecing" sound out of a hr mouthpiece? I think Dulfer and Stewart are playing in concert Em (G)? I use to play it in F#m (A) on tenor.

Yes, concert Em so C#m for alto. I've got the solo transcribed and a couple of backing tracks that are quite good. Lots of C# minor pentatonic and minor blues scale and you need to have a really good time feel.

Probably lots of effects on the recording but a Vandoren Jumbo Java or other high baffle HR mouthpiece could get a sound of that type. Can't see what HR piece Candy was using in the video but she has used Saxworks and Lebayle metal mouthpieces I believe.

Good luck to Jeremyjuicewah for the performance on Saturday. Are you going to record it ?

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Good to hear that your work with Lily is doin' fine! Just curious: In what concert key are playing the song? Are you on Eb or Bb sax?

I play alto in C#m. I used to think it was a horrible key, but there is not much I don't know about it now.

In your new shirt

And the winkelpickers. Yer dunt believe me do ya? Heh heh, fraid so.

Don't ruin your new shirt! Wear a twin set!! Good luck will do it. Enjoy!!!!

You are so supportive. Like my truss. But that will be under the twinset.

Wish I could get a little more sand in my tone, but I only have one alto here right now, its the 1923 Martin, and it wont stand a Jumbo Java or anything beyond my old Goldbeck. I have a boss vocal effects box that was given to me, and that lets me get some body to it, and that will have to do. That old sax will not give me the high notes without the right mpc.

It may get recorded, but only on a Tascam, I wont be taking any more gear. Even without an amp I find I have more than enough to lug around.

Cheers all, it will be fine.
Yes, concert Em so C#m for alto. I've got the solo transcribed and a couple of backing tracks that are quite good. Lots of C# minor pentatonic and minor blues scale and you need to have a really good time feel.

Probably lots of effects on the recording but a Vandoren Jumbo Java or other high baffle HR mouthpiece could get a sound of that type. Can't see what HR piece Candy was using in the video but she has used Saxworks and Lebayle metal mouthpieces I believe.

Good luck to Jeremyjuicewah for the performance on Saturday. Are you going to record it ?


Yes, I don't find the song easy to play. But a good guitar player helps up. It's a guitar leading song. Wasn't Candy Dulfer playing Dukoff's as well..

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