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Anyone got a backing track for this? I am getting on well with it, but I cant play along to Candy, she makes too many mistakes.
Hope it goes well. I hate to imagine you dressing like Candy...
I have every confidence in you, hope it goes well, relax and enjoy you now know you can do it
Purely out of cruelty:Hope it goes well. I hate to imagine you dressing like Candy...
The Annie Hall look is so passé, she seems to get as many female admirers as Aldevis.More like this
More like this
Yes, thanks for posting. Do you think she can get that "edgy & piecing" sound out of a hr mouthpiece? I think Dulfer and Stewart are playing in concert Em (G)? I use to play it in F#m (A) on tenor.
Good to hear that your work with Lily is doin' fine! Just curious: In what concert key are playing the song? Are you on Eb or Bb sax?
In your new shirt
Don't ruin your new shirt! Wear a twin set!! Good luck will do it. Enjoy!!!!
C#m(E) on tenor is an often used key if you're playing Bruce Springsteen songs. Concert A, D, and E are common in rock music.I play alto in C#m. I used to think it was a horrible key, but there is not much I don't know about it now.
Yes, concert Em so C#m for alto. I've got the solo transcribed and a couple of backing tracks that are quite good. Lots of C# minor pentatonic and minor blues scale and you need to have a really good time feel.
Probably lots of effects on the recording but a Vandoren Jumbo Java or other high baffle HR mouthpiece could get a sound of that type. Can't see what HR piece Candy was using in the video but she has used Saxworks and Lebayle metal mouthpieces I believe.
Good luck to Jeremyjuicewah for the performance on Saturday. Are you going to record it ?