Nomad Z
- 28
What's the correct, or better, way to fit one of those standard style metal ligatures with the two screws?
I've been fitting mine with the screws downwards, but it has occurred to me that this is likely to apply a force that pulls inwards against the sides of the reed as well as clamping it to the table. If it was fitted with the screws upwards, it would seem to be more a straightforward clamping action.
Should I be fitting it with the screws on the opposite side to the table?
I've been fitting mine with the screws downwards, but it has occurred to me that this is likely to apply a force that pulls inwards against the sides of the reed as well as clamping it to the table. If it was fitted with the screws upwards, it would seem to be more a straightforward clamping action.
Should I be fitting it with the screws on the opposite side to the table?