Our old bassist used to be able to hear it when i used to do it in the practice room, probably due to the cold in that instance though, another thing that i used to find was back at the old house the sax used to sit there on it's stand all the time in an unheated studio then when it came time to play my warm breath would condence on the inside of the instrument making everything very wet sounding and also produced lots or residual moisture that would run out of the upper tone holes onto my left hand.Bear in mind whilst you can hear it an audience probably wouldn't.
Thank you for that Jeanette. It's not a problem for me with cane though. Greater absorbency I suppose.
Our old bassist used to be able to hear it when i used to do it in the practice room, probably due to the cold in that instance though,
Actually talking about condensation, playing in the concert at Christmas I came back after the interval and saw there was a round damp patch on my chair as there was on the clarinetist's too. Took me a minute to realise it was because I'd been resting the sop on the chair when I wasn't playing, always use the stand now 🙂
Wot? not Tenna Man....Yeah right. Perhaps you should take up Tenna lol