Left hand thumb


So the left hand thumb button on my 1955 Buescher Crat is too small...it kinda hurts after practicing for an hour... And it makes the octave key very touchy for meat hook hands. Any suggestions would be appreciated.... My cheaper Prelude does not have this issue...
Thanks I'm advance.
I've done two different things:

1) Cut a champagne cork to fit over the button and shape to suit; then secure in place with epoxy.

2) Take a coin of appropriate size, smooth off one side and round the edges, glue to button with epoxy. In this latter case you need to use a heavy-bodied filled epoxy if the button is convex, to fill the gaps. Something like JB Weld.
Sugru is absolutely what you want. Pack it around the thumb rest, shape to preference, allow to set. Job done. And if you change your mind, it can be removed.
Keep in mind that you don't have to make it a round rest - you can build up some support where the thumb leads in.

There could be an overlooked issue going on.

Could you @prelude1 be inadvertently squeezing the left hand a touch harder because there may be a pad or two that requires additional force on it to seal properly? Or, spring tension that hold the pads open is a bit more than it needs to be?

It could be ever so slight, seemingly harmless at first, but overall say after an hour or two of practise, could contribute to fatigue in your thumb muscles over time?

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