Mouthpieces lebayle tenor mouthpieces?

I just notice these for £5 including brass ligature and cap. Seems like an extraordinary bargain. Has anyone tried these?

I can't see Lebayle pieces for £5, it's £172.60 for metal and £111.31 for hard rubber. Maybe they spotted an error and have changed it.

I've got Lebayle soprano, alto and tenor and they're well made modern pieces. The alto and tenor are wood and play nicely.

The £5.21 mouthpiece seems to be described as "beginner mouthpiece" and I don't see Lebayle mentioned against that one. Am I going blind ?

You are right, I'd got to that page after clicking a link for Lebayle so I assumed they were Lebayle.

So the next question is, has anyone tried one of these £5 mouthpieces? I'm not sure I can be bothered to trek over to Cowplain just for that.
Well, I've bought them a couple of times in the past, both alto and tenor ones. However, I've bought them to sell with saxes which had no mouthpiece - it's a good selling point to be able to say a used sax comes with a brand new mouthpiece. I never actually played them, largely so I could say hand on heart that they were new and unplayed. Top value for helping with the eBay sales, particulalry with cap and lig.
Get a Bari Esprit II for £14.70 at Ackerman Music - I bought the Alto and it is superb. I think of it as an Intermediate PPT/Berg 65/1.5 !

Seriously, it is rather good - just been playing it with a Marc Jean Ligature and a V16 2.5 reed. I used to play a Bari Richie Cole but this is much better in my opinion, and produces a good contemporary sound with a rich full body. No wonder Trevor James have chosen them as their stock mouthpiece.
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