Mouthpieces Lebayle ebonite


Well-Known Member
Lebayle ebonite - anyone any experience of one? Claim to be handmade, have individual serial numbers, look like a more characterful alternative to the run of the mill usual stuff from Otto Link and Meyer. Any views anyone?
No actual experience of this piece but I do have a little knowledge of Lebayle.

I bought a metal '7' Jazz chamber piece in 2006 and was playing on more open tips at the time.
I really liked the sound and the craftsmanship but the smaller tip opening got in my way. I bought it for the sound and enjoyed it but really wished the shop had a bigger size in stock. The ligature was nice too, I mean it fitted well and was a no fuss single screw jobby.
I now play smaller tip openings and really regret selling it.

A friend of mine contacted Fred directly about the beak design and he altered it on the piece he sent him.
I'm sure they are all made as described and I can only assume that the rubber pieces are worth a look.
Lebayle ebonite - anyone any experience of one? Claim to be handmade, have individual serial numbers, look like a more characterful alternative to the run of the mill usual stuff from Otto Link and Meyer. Any views anyone?

I've played a Lebayle Jazz ebonite and a Lebayle Studio ebonite on Tenor. The Jazz produced a very enjoyable, quite dark vintage sound, and the Studio was very lively and fairly bright. I do not currently own one, and prefer a sound which is more inbetween, brighter than the Jazz but less cutting than the Studio.
Yup- the Jazz & Studio remind me of the mellower end of the Berg Larsen range, and -yes- there's quite a bit of variance from piece to piece. A 'big chamber' Linky kind of tone but with a bit of extra bite and edge from their slight bullet baffle (studioss are 'harder' sounding)...
Is Mr Pillinger too far from Betelgeuse? I would give his pieces a try.

No, not too far, but I'm not actually looking to buy a Lebayle (or other tenor piece, for that matter). I've actually just obtained a Lebayle Jazz 7 through a rather odd route, but haven't had a chance to play it yet. Just wondered what others' views were.
No, not too far, but I'm not actually looking to buy a Lebayle (or other tenor piece, for that matter). I've actually just obtained a Lebayle Jazz 7 through a rather odd route, but haven't had a chance to play it yet. Just wondered what others' views were.

It will be perfect with your next tenor.
Turned out to be a pretty nice mouthpiece, but a bit too smooth for me - I tend to a rather dark tone naturally, so I need something a bit brighter to sparkle things up. So, I sold it. I was amazed at the level of interest. Loads of watchers and bidders on the auction, so they must have something of a following.

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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