Late bloomer quite chuffed !!

Brilliant! What pieces/scales etc did you do?............ Grade 8 next? :thumb:

I choose the study 'mobile tones' instead of the scales. Mainly because the B scale(s) are the hardest to play and the B - C# D# is really stiff on my alto. I also did 'hold that thought' from Santin Clark - a blues in Am, and the Cm ballad from 24 jazz etudes by Holcombe, which is based on 'Round Midnight', one of my fav Monk tunes. The 3rd unaccompanied piece was an original etude that I wrote. And finally I choose the improv instead of aural tests. The example was one from the published list in the Trinity document of example stimuli, so I'd already practised playing over the chords. So it was C - Em - Dm7 - G7 type of sequence. You can also dictate the tempo you want to play it!

So maybe grade 8 next, but that Tabasco piece is wicked fast for me !
I choose the study 'mobile tones' instead of the scales. Mainly because the B scale(s) are the hardest to play and the B - C# D# is really stiff on my alto. I also did 'hold that thought' from Santin Clark - a blues in Am, and the Cm ballad from 24 jazz etudes by Holcombe, which is based on 'Round Midnight', one of my fav Monk tunes. The 3rd unaccompanied piece was an original etude that I wrote. And finally I choose the improv instead of aural tests. The example was one from the published list in the Trinity document of example stimuli, so I'd already practised playing over the chords. So it was C - Em - Dm7 - G7 type of sequence. You can also dictate the tempo you want to play it!

So maybe grade 8 next, but that Tabasco piece is wicked fast for me !

Wow impressive you wrote your own etude! :thumb:

Yes Tabasco is quite fast, my fingers have never moved so quick - especially on the tenor lol! but it's quite a jolly little number and fun to play! :thumb:
Official welcome to the Non-Beginners Club (NBC). You are now "Semi-Advanced"! :shocked::w00t:;}

Serious congratulations on a great achievement! I'll have a drink to celebrate later on! :thumb:

Kind regards

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