Saxophones Karl Meyer tenor Orsi stencil


Hello, I'm a new member, just my first post. I've been playing (renting) an alto saxophone since October and I want to try and buy a tenor now. Asked around a bit but don't really have a clue where to start ;} I would want to spend about £600 to buy everything and found this on eBay and was wondering if anyone new anything about it...

Not allowed to link but the item number is 121069337337

It says it's an Italian Karl Meyser Orsi stenciled tenor and they're asking £500 for it. Is this a good saxophone for a beginner and does the asking price seem reasonable?
Thanks 😀
Hi Hram,
It's hard to tell what the instrument is like from the photos.

The general consensus on buying a secondhand/ vintage instrument is play it before you buy it.
Obviously you can't do this so I personally wouldn't go down this route as you could be forking out more cash to get the instrument playable.

As this is your first tenor I would recommend going to a dealer to try a few saxes out. Many forum members have Bauhaus Walstein, Yamaha, Trevor James etc and seem to get on well with them. Hanson also have some reasonable tenors to try out.

Search the forum for Bauhaus Walstein Members Club that would be a good place to start and you can get one for under £600. Just my two pennyworth.
Seems a bit expensive to me. you'll need to budget for a check up, and it's only then the real costs become apparant. Horn's been well used, by the look of it, not that this is a bad thing. I didn't relaise they were Orsi stencils, I don't know enough about the to confirm/deny. These come up on ebay here sometimes, and the asking price is higher than most go for.

as for good for a beginner, it really depends on the state of the instrument. Looks good from the photos, but you can't really tell until you get it in your hands and a technician has given it a once over. Orsi isn't the most sought after of saxes.
Thanks for everyone's relpies😀
I do know a couple of people who play the saxophone and said if I was going to get a second hand one they would help me check it out, don't know if that would make it a better idea to get one used. I'll probably go to Second Wind in Cheltenham to try out some knew saxophones and make sure I try all those makes then🙂 Thank You
I do know a couple of people who play the saxophone and said if I was going to get a second hand one they would help me check it out, don't know if that would make it a better idea to get one used. I'll probably go to Second Wind in Cheltenham to try out some knew saxophones and make sure I try all those makes then🙂

It may be a good idea to take a knowledgable friend with you when you go. There can be a vast difference even between saxes of the same make. It's always good to have a second opinion.
Had a bit more of a look around, think I'd go for either the Jericho J6 or Bahaus Walstein. Wouldn't be able to try the Jericho first but think I would be able to send it back with the guarantee? If I did get the Jericho I probably would be able to buy a new mouthpiece so considering this would there be one more preferable for me? Thanks 😀
Bauhaus Walstein have very good reviews but the mouthpiece that comes with it is of a poor quality by all accounts.
If money is that tight I'd go with the Jericho and get a decent starter mouthpiece.
Thanks🙂 I'm 16 and don't have a Saturday job any more so really can't get any more🙁 I'll just check with my teacher then hopefully get it🙂 Will probably be asking about what mouthpiece to go for if I get it😉 Thanks a lot, I really appreciate all the help I've got🙂
You can get a perfectly decent Yamaha m/p new from eBay for a few quid - 25 new, less used. Not to be underrated just because of the price - no need to pay more for a while, if ever.
If you search the forum, you'll find lots of recommendations for alto mouthpieces, usually under 30 quid. Tom Mapfumo used to have a few that people could try, not sure if he's doing it any more, but send him a pm.

On the used saxes, there are lots of bargains, but you need to know what you're doing. Safest bet is onee of the yamaha models. You should be able to buy and sell later for close to what you paid for it. Same with a 2-3 yr old BW. But 40 or more year old saxes can be superb, or money pits. Reckon on losing 50% of what you paid for a new sax, if you need to sell it within a couple of years. But buying a good 2yr old one saves you the 50%. Numbers are different if you buy through a shop, but there you'll get a guarantee.

If you buy new, there was a scheme for students to buy instruments free of VAT. Not sure if it's still going, or who qualifies, but it's worth asking.
Oh come ON! That's NOT the attitude! That's no way to start a life time of unnecessary spending on bling and farkle!

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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