Saxophones Jupiter 769 - 767 (1994 model)


Elementary member
Berkshire, UK
Have just been given a Jupiter 769 - 767 serial number dates it to 1994. It needs two bits of soldering work done and it will then be in a near mint condition. Friends moving to France have had it in a wardrobe for more than ten years!

I will certainly get it repaired, will also check and see if it needs re-padding. Is it worth spending a £200 to bring it back to it's full glory?

Are these saxophones nice instruments?
They're not bad. Don't think I'd spend £200 doing one up - I'd be inclined to get it into playing order for the lowest cost and then blow the hell out of it.
A couple of 787's, which I guess are a better model (?) sold on ebay for £212 and £295 recently.

Why will it cost that much to fix?

I had a Yamaha YAS-275 from 2004 and Jupiter JAS-567 from 2006 side by side and both had excellent build quality but the Jupiter's finish had suffered a couple of marks whereas the Yamaha's was unblemished after 9 years. Just gave me the impression the lacquer on the Jupiter wasn't quite as good. But the Yamaha lacquer is renowned for being super tough I believe.

If it were mine, I'd maybe have a go at soldering it, then you have a totally free sax (not including materials).

Good luck with it.
Based the £200 on re-pad and soldering but I am just thinking of the worst it could cost. If they are reasonable saxophones then I shall take it to my local Dawkes and get them to solder the relevant parts and then give it a blow. It really is in near mint condition so deserves to be given a chance. Especially as it has cost me nothing.
Have just been given a Jupiter 769 - 767 serial number dates it to 1994. It needs two bits of soldering work done and it will then be in a near mint condition. Friends moving to France have had it in a wardrobe for more than ten years!

I will certainly get it repaired, will also check and see if it needs re-padding. Is it worth spending a £200 to bring it back to it's full glory?

Are these saxophones nice instruments?
I'll add my tuppence worth my daughter has one and her's plays well, These were the advanced student saxes and you can still get this model It costs around £800 pounds it's not cheap cheap rubbish, It may be 18/19 years old but I would spend £200 you got it free like you said it's near mint.
this is a very good example of the predicament in which many saxophone owners find themselves in these days.

Due to the ever increasing labour cost, repairing a perfectly good but low in market value saxophone is, often times, costing as much as one would pay for a saxophone in no ned of repair.

What I personally would do would be to SELL this saxophone (to a tech or aspiring tech who will practice on it) then add to the money that you get for it the 200£ that you would have spent for an overhaul and then buy either a new Chinese instrument or, much better, try to find a secondhand but in goo order and possibly vintage instrument.
It will be up for sale when it comes back from Dawkes with £45 of repairs done - little soldering and a service. Pads are OK so what is it worth? I'll have a look through eBay. Will help to pay for my Martin Handcraft. Also have a Trevor James "the Horn" coming. Any good?
Well the Jupiter and the TJ are ubiquitous horns and very difficult to sell in my neck of the woods unless one is a teacher or has a shop. You have to compete with the new Chinese horns.

I think 250£ for each of these horns is top money these days.

Good luck!

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