Thanks to the very nice man who fixes the bands PA, I have just been trialling a new wireless mic and receiver made by JTS. It came about because I took some gear into his wonderful Aladdins cave of PA and general muso-stuff, got talking about mic-ing up saxes, and he told me about this gizmo that a distributor wanted him to try out. It's a tiny transmitter, not much bigger than a matchbox, that clips onto the bell, with a small boom mic. Tried it in rehearsal last night and was well impressed - excellent and consistent sound quality that is inherently a little "warmer" than the sound from an SM57, and so light and small you are just not aware of it. Clever bit if design also means you can unclip the transmitter from the mic and plug it into a guitar. I should be gigging with it in a few weeks so I'll see how it goes in that environment.
No idea yet what they cost, but JTS are not up amongst the Shures and Sennheisers with their product pricing for other items, so I am not expecting something unaffordable. I have absolutely no financial or any other interest in this whatsoever, I am only posting this up for general information. You can find out more here -
No idea yet what they cost, but JTS are not up amongst the Shures and Sennheisers with their product pricing for other items, so I am not expecting something unaffordable. I have absolutely no financial or any other interest in this whatsoever, I am only posting this up for general information. You can find out more here -
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