Mouthpieces Jr. Walkers Mouthpiece?

Pretty sure it was a Berg back in the day, seen some video from the 80's he's on a Lawton. No idea about which model or tip size on either.
Spot on John that's the info i've got. I have junior on video playing his Lawton 8*B which is 115 tip, thats a drop of 15 from his 130 Berg, and he sound's exactly the same. Food for thought eh. Saying that he tended to chirp sometimes on the 130Berg so maybe there was a difference!
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The BL 130/0 and the Lawton BB chamber is more in the same style compared to the Lawton B chamber. I guess the amplification became better and better so most players could play with less wide openings. I guess a player like Jr Walker played pretty hard reeds. Lenny Pickett, IMO the best now living altissimo player in the rocksax field, is blowing a BL 130/0 with bass clarinet reeds. I think they're pretty hard as well.

Hey Carlysax. I have no idea where I got that info. I have a 15 page list of players and their m/p's and saxes that I have picked up over the years from various sites and message boards. In some cases the artist has responded directly to my inquiry. Many people have asked about Walker's m/p's and others have responded over the years. I have taken those responses and added them (correct or incorrect) to the list. I can't personally confirm that it is correct. I always thought that he played a more closed Berg in the early years due to his tone. But that is just my ear. So if anyone finds more info please let us know.
p.s. forgot to mention that if anyone wants the 15 page list just send a PM with your email address. Many of the players changed m/p's over the years but it is interesting reading.
Hi all,i have a book called 25 great sax solos and on the info Shotgun by jnr walker it says Shot Gun 1965..saxophone Selmer MV1 tenor...mouthpiece Lawton metal.Bumnote.

I've got the same book.

But I am very sure that Jr Walker didn't play the Lawton until years and years after he recorded Shotgun. All the photographic evidence I have seen shows him playing a Berg Larsen metal until at least the late 70s.

Here he is playing Shotgun live and using the metal Berg:

Looks like he was using the Lawton in '89 on the Letterman show - sounding and singing well:


Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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