- 13
I hope that this is a decent place to post this, so here goes. I've been playing tenor for just about a year now and having just upgraded to a BW bronze tenor, my confidence is shooting up. However, playing on my own is starting to get a bit repetetive, so I'm really interested in joining a band (rock, soul, ska, big or wind) just so I can get used to playing with other people. Obviously I'm keeping an eye out for band adverts in local music shops etc, but I was wondering if anyone knew of wind bands or big bands in the Coventry area who don't insist on a minimum grade for new members? I can't help but think that this would have been much simpler if I was learning as a child, but sadly as a 30-year old bloke with a massive beard, I'd probably get put on a register if I tried to join a youth band!
Thanks in advance for any help or advice you might have.
Thanks in advance for any help or advice you might have.