Accessories Jazzlab SaxHolder

Just a point regarding Jazzlab SaxHolder I ordered one from Omega Music Cumbria very nice to deal with I may ad, helpful pleasant and efficient with purchase and on the phone regarding it's return. The holder looks well made didn't quite fit my shoulder size very well at all probably fine if you are slight to medium build, felt great standing up no pressure on your neck at all, try sitting down as your sax is at an angle a completely different story the centre rod slides way across to right the weight of the sax transfers to left shoulder not that its that heavy it just didn't feel secure no matter how it was adjusted. I realise lots of endorsers use it but they get paid or get benefits to say its good. don't get me wrong it could be very good if your built like a racing snake but if your that bit larger and play sitting down it's a NO I'm not even that good on sax but I'm a very hands on practical person, all as I'm saying is I think it could be better designed and developed, within 30 secs I thought of three thing that would improve it straight away. And for all of you thinking if your so smart why don't you make one, well I may just do that. This wasn't me being nasty I just was so disappointed because it's made from quality materials well constructed but it's just not right for me.
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By the way, are you aware that the shoulder hooks can be bent to shape to fit differnet shoulder shapes/sizes?

I was just about to say the same.
I don't have one and haven't tried one, but our sop player has one.

It seemed to need more than just your fingers, however, to make the adjustment, maybe a pair of pliers to move the final segments at the very ends of the shoulder grips.
My experience of the Sax Holder is clearly different to yours, I find it comfortable both standing and sitting. I cannot be described as either slight or medium build, wish I could.
My experience of the Sax Holder is clearly different to yours, I find it comfortable both standing and sitting. I cannot be described as either slight or medium build, wish I could.

I second that. The sax holder makes it comfortable for me to play standing or sitting, alto or tenor. I am a well-nourished, short lady, slight only in height! :thumb:
Fair enough overall criticism but i think you're on dodgy ground with that statement..... By the way, are you aware that the shoulder hooks can be bent to shape to fit differnet shoulder shapes/sizes?

Hi Jules yes I know the hooks can be be formed but if they don't fit large frame they don't fit. I'm not being smart I'm purely stating a fact. I mostly sit when playing and the centre arm was sliding off to the right so unless you sitting with the sax bang in the middle its got to go left or right therefore transferring weight to one side or the other. If I or anyone else can't comment on a forum about a product which they have purchased and find it's not everything they were led to believe then what's the point of a forum. I have never commented on the design of my Yananagisawa's or my Rampone Cazzani or any of my mouthpieces because to me they work. Fact being in my opinion it doesn't do it for me.
I'm not criticizing your views on the holder in the slightest, I'm just questioning your assertion that folks who say they like it are obviously only donig it because they're being paid to!
Just out of interest.......what improvements would you suggest ?

Hi Alley cat, should ? I say or design a new holder, no seriously it was good standing up but the first thing I would do is the small swivel piece in centre are needs more resistance to stop it sliding off your clothing a textured rubber as opposed to a slippery textured semi polished plastic, it spun far to easily as well. the Y piece is non adjustable it just needs to have three or four positive stops for different shaped people even a simple height adjustment on either of the malleable legs. I can think of several other things I would do. As for the suggestions you can bend the legs you know or use pliers if you honestly think that's the answer then you haven't tried one.
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I'm not criticizing your views on the holder in the slightest, I'm just questioning your assertion that folks who say they like it are obviously only donig it because they're being paid to!
Hi Jules sorry I meant to reply to that one earlier I'm not saying that they are paid cash or benefits but most people who endorse any product generally do it for cash, it's called advertising.
Hi Alley cat, should ? I say or design a new holder, no seriously it was good standing up but the first thing I would do is the small swivel piece in centre are needs more resistance to stop it sliding off your clothing a textured rubber as opposed to a slippery textured semi polished plastic, it spun far to easily as well. the Y piece is non adjustable it just needs to have three or four positive stops for different shaped people even a simple height adjustment on either of the malleable legs. I can think of several other things I would do. As for the suggestions you can bend the legs you know or use pliers if you honestly think that's the answer then you haven't tried one.

Funnily enough mine has a textured rubber feel grip and adjustment at the Y piece!
I wrote to the company who produces Jazzlab Sax Holder about producing a larger Sax Holder.

This was the reply I just received:

"We have an XL version of saxholder for very big and/or heavy players. In UK nobody sell them yet. But in Germany you can order them in several shops:

If you don't get XL saxholder in any of this shops, please let us know, we can ship from Switzerland too (but it is more complicated since Switzerland is not part of European Community).

Best regards from JAZZLAB-team Silvin


Sounds a positive thing!
Kind regards
I got one of these and I love it on tenor, I don't even notice the weight of the sax at all. I'm not as keen on it on alto, it seemed to hold the sax away from my body too much, but, to be honest I didn't give it much of a chance.
Hi Tom thanks for the bother I did ask about extra large at several stores and was told one size fits all and as far as can recall its not mentioned on website maybe I missed it. Fredso from Merseyside mentioned his had a textured rubber grip on Y piece mines does not, its possible mines could be an older model but it was only purchased two days ago..

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