Just a point regarding Jazzlab SaxHolder I ordered one from Omega Music Cumbria very nice to deal with I may ad, helpful pleasant and efficient with purchase and on the phone regarding it's return. The holder looks well made didn't quite fit my shoulder size very well at all probably fine if you are slight to medium build, felt great standing up no pressure on your neck at all, try sitting down as your sax is at an angle a completely different story the centre rod slides way across to right the weight of the sax transfers to left shoulder not that its that heavy it just didn't feel secure no matter how it was adjusted. I realise lots of endorsers use it but they get paid or get benefits to say its good. don't get me wrong it could be very good if your built like a racing snake but if your that bit larger and play sitting down it's a NO I'm not even that good on sax but I'm a very hands on practical person, all as I'm saying is I think it could be better designed and developed, within 30 secs I thought of three thing that would improve it straight away. And for all of you thinking if your so smart why don't you make one, well I may just do that. This wasn't me being nasty I just was so disappointed because it's made from quality materials well constructed but it's just not right for me.
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