I love my saxholder but have been working out a 'hack', so to say:
I've taken 2 cheap pairs of eardefenders and removed the bits that cover the ears. This gives 2 plastic pieces to go over the shoulders. They are padded and will be comfortable and I'm hoping to adjust them by heating and bending the plastic that comes over the front and is too long. I'm now trying to find serependipitously a centre piece to bring the 2 arms together and transfer the weight to the waist. It may be rhododendron wood which can take many forms and there must be a piece in my wood pile [ or even on a growing on a largish shrub ] that just makes a Y shape that will fit..
Very much a work in progress .But my ideas on this might be of help while you are waiting for one - I think lots of the players on the forum have not liked them so there must be one for you somewhere.
such fun
Agreed re excellent. I lost the instructions with mine and finally got round to adjusting it last week (one year on) and now it's even better. I use it for curved sop, alto and have used it on tenor, sitting and standing.
May sound expensive, but worth forking out for a new one if you can't find 2nd hand.
I was sceptical about it holding the weight of a baritone. Then I saw Colin Stetson hang a Conn 14M Bass off one at Café OTO and I was convinced.
I loathed it at first, but after some tweaking (I found it helpful to get a friend to look from behind to see where it was and wasn't fitting) I now wouldn't be without it.