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Jazz standards,backing tracks


Wolverhampton West Midlands
H i all,i have here at home jazz standards book,which is published by Sher music,i actually have four books,what i would like help with,does anyone know is there anyway you can get backing tracks for each individual book,bearing in mind each book does have about 300 plus pages!Or will i need to pick out individual pieces and find someone who will do backing tracks for me...maybe Cris.Thanks Bumnote.
Bumnote I'll do some backing tracks for you. I'll do them heavily discounted, But, wait for it 50/50 between me and the Cafe.
So if the track is £4.00 then £2.00 for the Cafe and £2.00 for me.. That might not be the price btw it all depends on just what you want, Plus I might have some already done. Drop me a PM/conversation and we can sort it out..

Hi - not sure about specific tracks of these books but you could look at iReal pro app there are thousands of backing tracks (basic) and are absolutely spot on with the Hal Leonard Real books. I've also noticed recently on You Tube but haven't got around to listening to them yet. Chris uses Band In a Box but I'm sure he'll be a long sometime to answer you :)
As previously mentioned, Band-in-a-Box is a great buy. Once you've purchased the basic program, there are tons of free backing tracks that are available which can be found via a google search.

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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