Isopropyl Alcohol and hard rubber mpc

Tepid water and Dawn dish soap. Others, make sure you read the contents. Many contain Sulfur. HR hates sulfur. Soft toothbrush is ok.
You don’t need to use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to sanitize.
I assume you eat at a Café sometimes?
Silverware, plates & cups are all washed with dish soap.
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Never soak a HR piece in anything for any length of time.

If you are wanting to sanitize then happily do so. To sanitize takes contact, not soaking. Rub it down with alcohol and rinse. If you want it to look really pretty dry it off and rub on a layer of food grade mineral oil. Dont freak out about using someones elses mouthpeice. Most germs die on dry surfaces in a few days or less.
Dawn is made by Proctor and Gamble for the US market. They also make Fairy liquid with an almost identical formula for the UK market.

Some people can have a skin reaction to dish soap/washing up liquid, so if you use it, rinse well.
Toothpaste and a soft brush works for me.
Alcohol can dis-color HR mouthpieces.
Sometimes olive oil helps.
Shot of Scotch, rinse with water, fumes do no damage.
Room temp water and Dawn.
Used distilled water and Dawn on the B12 recently, then oiled the springs/posts.
To disinfect surfaces with alcohol a contact time of 30 seconds is sufficient. If you want, wait for a minute. I do it to my mouthpieces when I had a bad cold. Never had ill effects to the hard rubber. Just don‘t soak it for a prolonged time. For cleaning of calcium deposits cold diluted citric acid is your friend. Not for the life of it I would use toothpaste and a brush on the inside. Abrasive stays abeasive wven if it‘s minimal.
Some time ago, a US Public Health Officer told me that plain soap and water was all that was required to destroy 99.99% of the germs. (This was in regard to washing hands.) I've used such with a worn soft bristle toothbrush and it seemed to work for me.
Well, I use the bathroom, then I wash my hands with warm soapy water, then I'll go and eat something while holding it with my hands. I'm happy to rely on warm water and soap for that. Why do you think you need anything more for a mouthpiece?
Well, I use the bathroom, then I wash my hands with warm soapy water, then I'll go and eat something while holding it with my hands. I'm happy to rely on warm water and soap for that. Why do you think you need anything more for a mouthpiece?
It's the marketeers. I found why they now capitalise on foaming pump hand soap dispensers. I bought standard refill, diluted half and half with water, now foam dispenser foamed properly. You pay the same amount for half the soap.

Label it disinfecting, add a quid more, gets you to pay more for less. :doh:

As kids we used to drink from a garden hose, share a bottle of pop without wiping the top.

Yet none of us got sick. One ought to listen to the late George Carlin's take on this.

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