A good article. Of course it’s you as a player and your mouthpice that does most to the sound.
I have joined the group of saxplayers that thinks that the character/sound/tone is determined by the neck, tube/taper and the toneholes placement on the tube. Between the toneholes geometris are established and that makes sound/tone. The way the toneholes are made can also give the sax a differnt tone. The angle of a soldered tonehole (Martin) is different than a drawn tonehole. So thick wall – thin wall, plated – bare brass, rolled toneholes – straight toneholes …. . It doesn’t matter that much?!?!
So are there any bigger differences between saxes nowadays? All manufacturors, there is a few exceptions, are more or less trying to copy Selmers succes; the MKVI? It’s very hard, or impossible, to hear the difference between modern saxes.
So if we can hear a difference between a Selmer MK VI, Conn 10M, King Super 20, The Martin, Beuscher 400, SML … it´s because they were all constructed to sound differnt and the main purpose with the construction (taper, bore, toneholes placement) was to give each manufacturor their own identity.