Di in France
- 559
Sorry for the long title, but I'm thinking I'd like to try flute and wondered if there are any reasons why not. I'd like some recommendations please of good quality budget flutes (if that's possible). Thanks.
Yes, you'll probably be better at it than me, and I'll get upset 🙁.Sorry for the long title, but I'm thinking I'd like to try flute and wondered if there are any reasons why not.
I .......and the flute is closest of all the woodwinds to the sax in terms of playing - when I started on sax, the transition was a doddle..
A student Yamaha is an excellent entry level flute to begin to learn on. The flute embouchure is said to be an "outside embouchure" rather than an "inside embouchure" like on clarinet and sax. Going from sax to flute is not difficult, but players generally need to watch out for not keeping the embouchure "relaxed" in the bottom lip and watch out for using too much finger pressure on the keys (gorilla grip). Playing flute can improve your saxophone playing by forcing you to breathe more effectively, giving you more control of your airstream, and by teaching you to develop a lighter, smoother technique.
No reason I can think of to not add flute to your collection. They play in C too, so no transposing. The embouchure for flute makes you a better kisser. lol
If it is thought that playing an instrument might enhance personal relationships perhaps ladies should consider the cello.