Is the sax about to become very popular: Saxation


Senior Member
Just noticed this group in the Yamaha Newsletter:

Are these girls going to elevate the sax in the public consciousness like "bond" did for the violin?

I can't possibly put my finger on why I think they might get noticed...


p.s. I was thinking of saying something corny like, 'are these going to put the 'e' in sax?' But thought it was really naff!
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Can't bear all those fancy dresses and stilt-like shoes - girls can play just as well in a pair of jeans, T-shirt and DMs :thumb:

makes you wonder what the players actually think of the way they have been marketed. The video does nothing to show whether they can actually play or not as such large chunks are either badly lip synched or didn't even bother to lip sync at all.

I don't think the marketing will work. Anyone who might respond well to the sexism would probably want something quite a bit sexier, as if they were a bit more comfortable with the way they are presented, which they obviously aren't.

In a couple of months they will be cringing, if they aren't already. So will the marketing department.
Maybe the next step beyond 'The Fairer Sax' (sorry Pete) in the late 80s, except that that was a real sax quartet, including bari, of Music College graduates. The repertoire, presentation and standard of playing here seem a bit down market.

I liked the video clip at about 2:30 where the two altos were left handed but the two tenors were right handed ! How do they do that ?

Maybe the next step beyond 'The Fairer Sax' (sorry Pete) in the late 80s, except that that was a real sax quartet, including bari, of Music College graduates.

I don't think any of these girls are exactly under-qualified - all music graduates according to the Saxation website. Shame they are being marketed in such a blatantly sexist manner - never mind the music, look at the legs........ I am sure they are all better than that, but making money out of music isn't easy for anyone and if that's what it takes for these ladies, good luck to them. Just hope they don't drown under the tackiness of it all.
I am planning a "4 brides for 4 brothers" musical, with Captain Cook and his crew in the role of the 4 brothers.
When the four brothers find out they cannot play the famous Jimmy Giuffre arrangement they ask help to the four brides (Saxations) and the troubles start.

edit: if you don't know that Captain Cook:

makes you wonder what the players actually think of the way they have been marketed. The video does nothing to show whether they can actually play or not as such large chunks are either badly lip synched or didn't even bother to lip sync at all.

I don't think the marketing will work. Anyone who might respond well to the sexism would probably want something quite a bit sexier, as if they were a bit more comfortable with the way they are presented, which they obviously aren't.

You would be surprise by the effect that young ladies can have on music geeks. Once, as a joke, we put a Bond video in the classical department (Virgin rec.) and we sold it immediately.

One of them doubles on flute too. They cannot be that bad.
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Think they are probably all great players in their own right, it's just the way the video has been edited that makes you think that maybe the marketing company has hit on the idea of getting in 4 dolly tarts, given them sax's and told them to mime....yes I think they are miming but at the same time I would say they are all genuine players as well, and why shouldn't the marketing guy's use sex to sell?, I mean look at Pete's Midnight video, the one with the picture of his bare arse, well it obviously worked for him!
why shouldn't the marketing guy's use sex to sell?

Sometimes I think marketing guys have a twisted concept of sex. There are so many shops I do not shop in anymore because they use unreal models. Unless I fix myself with photoshop I will never be able to wear those trousers. (based on a true story)
absolute Junk!
4 helpless saxophones exploited for what the marketing world thinks is a good image...
Yuck, my gums are even itching at this cringe-worthy marketing tripe!

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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